package merlin-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val raise_error : ?ignore_unify:bool -> exn -> unit

Raise an error that can be caught: normal flow is resumed if a catch_errors handler was installed.

exception Resume

Resume after error: like raise_error, but if a handler was provided a Resume exception is raised. This allows to specify a special case when an error is caught.

val resume_raise : exn -> 'a

Installing (and removing) error handlers.

val catch_errors : Ocaml_utils.Warnings.state -> exn list ref -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

Any raise_error invoked inside catch_errors will be added to the list.

val uncatch_errors : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

Temporary disable catching errors

val monitor_errors : unit -> bool ref

Returns a reference initially set to false that will be set to true when a type error is raised.

exception Warning of Ocaml_parsing.Location.t * string

Warnings can also be stored in the caught exception list, wrapped inside this exception

val erroneous_type_register : Types.type_expr -> unit
val erroneous_type_check : Types.type_expr -> bool
val erroneous_expr_check : Typedtree.expression -> bool
val flush_saved_types : unit -> Ocaml_parsing.Parsetree.attributes

Turn saved types from Cmt_format into attributes

val get_saved_types_from_attributes : Ocaml_parsing.Parsetree.attributes -> Cmt_format.binary_part list

Retrieve saved types that were turned into attributes

val with_saved_types : ?warning_attribute:Ocaml_parsing.Parsetree.attributes -> ?save_part:('a -> Cmt_format.binary_part) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

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