package merlin-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Configurator : sig ... end
type config = {
  1. build_path : string list;
  2. source_path : string list;
  3. cmi_path : string list;
  4. cmt_path : string list;
  5. flags : string list Merlin_utils.Std.with_workdir list;
  6. extensions : string list;
  7. suffixes : (string * string) list;
  8. stdlib : string option;
  9. source_root : string option;
  10. unit_name : string option;
  11. wrapping_prefix : string option;
  12. reader : string list;
  13. exclude_query_dir : bool;
  14. use_ppx_cache : bool;
val empty_config : config
val prepend_config : dir:string -> Configurator.t -> Merlin_dot_protocol.directive list -> config -> config * string list

prepend_config ~dir c directives config parses directives and update config accordingly, prepending new items when to already existing list fields of config. dir is used as the workdir for flags declared in the directives. If c = Dune, unknown directives are ignored.

val postprocess_config : config -> config

prostprocess_config config removes duplicates and reverses the lists in config

type context
val get_config : context -> string -> config * string list
val find_project_context : string -> (context * string) option

find_project_config dir searches for a "project configuration file" in dir and its parent directories. Stopping on the first one it finds and returning a configuration context along with the path to the configuration file, returning None otherwise (if '/' was reached without finding such a file).

A project configuration files is one of:

  • .merlin
  • dune-project
  • dune-workspace

They are detected in that order. dune and jbuild file do not need to be taken into account because any project using a recent version of dune should have a dune-project file which is even auto-generated when it is missing. And only recent versions of dune will stop writing .merlin files.


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