package lwd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type +'a t

A dynamic document of type 'a. Documents can be produced in several different ways:

  • operators, such as map, bind, app, pair, etc. combine several documents into one. The result is (lazily) updated whenever the sub-documents are.
  • variables var, a mutable reference.
  • primitive documents prim, providing custom leaves to trees of documents.
val return : 'a -> 'a t

The content document with the given value inside

val pure : 'a -> 'a t

Alias to return

val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

map d ~f is the document that has value f x whenever d has value x

val map2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'c t

map2 d1 d2 ~f is the document that has value f x1 x2 whenever d1 has value x1 and d2 has value x2

val join : 'a t t -> 'a t

Monadic operator join d is the document pointed to by document d. This is powerful but potentially costly in case of recomputation.

val bind : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Monadic bind, a mix of join and map

val app : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t

Applicative: app df dx is the document that has value f x whenever df has value f and dx has value x

val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

pair a b is map2 (fun x y->x,y) a b

val is_pure : 'a t -> 'a option

is_pure x will return Some v if x was built with pure v or return v.

Normal code should not rely on the "reactive-ness" of a value, but this is often useful for optimising reactive data structures.

type 'a var

The workhorse of Lwd: a mutable variable that also tracks dependencies. Every time set is called, all documents that depend on this variable via map, bind, etc. will be at least partially invalidated and will be recomputed incrementally on demand.

val var : 'a -> 'a var

Create a new variable with the given initial value

val get : 'a var -> 'a t

A document that reflects the current content of a variable

val set : 'a var -> 'a -> unit

Change the variable's content, invalidating all documents depending on it.

val peek : 'a var -> 'a

Observe the current value of the variable, without any dependency tracking.

type +'a prim

A primitive document. It can correspond, for example, to a primitive UI element.

A primitive is a resource with acquire and release functions to manage its lifecycle.

val prim : acquire:('a prim -> 'a) -> release:('a prim -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a prim

create a new primitive document.

  • parameter acquire

    is called when the document becomes observed (indirectly) via at least one root. The resulting primitive is passed as an argument to support certain recursive use cases.

  • parameter release

    is called when the document is no longer observed. Internal resources can be freed.

val get_prim : 'a prim -> 'a t
val invalidate : 'a prim -> unit
val fix : 'a t -> wrt:_ t -> 'a t

Some document might change variables during their evaluation. These are called "unstable" documents.

Evaluating these might need many passes to eventually converge to a value. The `fix` operator tries to stabilize a sub-document by repeating evaluation until a stable condition is reached.

val default_unsafe_mutation_logger : unit -> unit
val unsafe_mutation_logger : (unit -> unit) ref
type release_failure = exn * Printexc.raw_backtrace

Releasing unused graphs

exception Release_failure of exn option * release_failure list
type release_queue
val make_release_queue : unit -> release_queue
val flush_release_queue : release_queue -> release_failure list
type +'a root

A root of computation, whose value(s) over time we're interested in.

val observe : ?on_invalidate:('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> 'a root

observe x creates a root that contains document x.

  • parameter on_invalidate

    is called whenever the root is invalidated because the content of x has changed. This can be useful to perform side-effects such as re-rendering some UI.

val set_on_invalidate : 'a root -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

Change the callback for the root. See observe for more details.

val sample : release_queue -> 'a root -> 'a

Force the computation of the value for this root. The value is cached, so this is idempotent, until the next invalidation.

val is_damaged : 'a root -> bool

is_damaged root is true if the root doesn't have a valid value in cache. This can be the case if the value was never computed, or if it was computed and then invalidated.

val release : release_queue -> 'a root -> unit

Forget about this root and release sub-values no longer reachable from any root.

val quick_sample : 'a root -> 'a
val quick_release : 'a root -> unit
module Infix : sig ... end
val dump_trace : 'a t -> unit

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