package lua-ml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module V : Luavalue.S


module Value : sig ... end
type value = Value.value
type name = string
type location = int
type stmt =
  1. | Stmt' of location * stmt
  2. | Assign of lval list * exp list
  3. | WhileDo of exp * block
  4. | RepeatUntil of block * exp
  5. | If of exp * block * (exp * block) list * block option
  6. | Return of exp list
  7. | Callstmt of call
  8. | Local of name list * exp list
and block = stmt list
and lval =
  1. | Lvar of name
  2. | Lindex of exp * exp
and exp =
  1. | Var of name
  2. | Lit of value
  3. | Binop of exp * op * exp
  4. | Unop of op * exp
  5. | Index of exp * exp
  6. | Table of exp list * (name * exp) list
  7. | Call of call
and call =
  1. | Funcall of exp * exp list
  2. | Methcall of exp * name * exp list
and op =
  1. | And
  2. | Or
  3. | Lt
  4. | Le
  5. | Gt
  6. | Ge
  7. | Eq
  8. | Ne
  9. | Concat
  10. | Plus
  11. | Minus
  12. | Times
  13. | Div
  14. | Mod
  15. | Not
  16. | Pow
type chunk =
  1. | Debug of bool
  2. | Statement of stmt
  3. | Fundef of location * lval * name list * varargs * block
  4. | Methdef of location * exp * name * name list * varargs * block
and varargs = bool

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