Module type
Class type
Logs reporter via syslog using Unix
Please read Logs_syslog
val udp_reporter :
?hostname:string ->
Unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?truncate:int ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
udp_reporter ~hostname remote_ip ~port ~truncate ()
is reporter
, which sends log message to remote_ip, port
via UDP. Each message is truncated to truncate
bytes (defaults to 65535). The hostname
is part of each syslog message, and defaults to Unix.gethostname ()
, the port
defaults to 514. facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
val tcp_reporter :
?hostname:string ->
Unix.inet_addr ->
?port:int ->
?truncate:int ->
?framing:Logs_syslog.framing ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
(Logs.reporter, string) result
tcp_reporter ~hostname remote_ip ~port ~truncate ~framing ()
is Ok
or Error msg
. The reporter
sends each log message via syslog to remote_ip, port
via TCP. If the initial TCP connection to the remote_ip
fails, an Error msg
is returned instead. If the TCP connection fails, the log message is reported to standard error, and attempts are made to re-establish the TCP connection. A syslog message is truncated to truncate
bytes (by default no truncation happens). Each syslog message is framed according to the given framing
(defaults to a single zero byte). The hostname
defaults to Unix.gethostname ()
, port
to 514, framing
to append a zero byte. facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
val unix_reporter :
?socket:string ->
?truncate:int ->
?framing:Logs_syslog.framing ->
?facility:Syslog_message.facility ->
unit ->
(Logs.reporter, string) result
unix_reporter ~socket ~truncate ~framing ()
is Ok reporter
or Error msg
. The reporter
sends each log message via syslog to socket
(which defaults to "/dev/log"
). If the initial connection to the socket fails, the log message is reported to standard error, and attempts are made to re-establish the connection. A syslog message is truncated to truncate
bytes and is framed according to the given framing
. The default for truncate
is 65536
if framing
is not provided and 0
otherwise. If framing
is not provided, then the socket used is a datagram socket (as for udp_reporter
) otherwise a stream socket is used (as for tcp_reporter
). facility
is the default syslog facility (see Logs_syslog.message
To install a Unix syslog reporter. sending via UDP to localhost, use the following snippet:
Logs.set_reporter (udp_reporter (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "") ())
To install a reporter using TCP, use the following snippet:
let () =
match tcp_reporter (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "") () with
| Error e -> print_endline e
| Ok r -> Logs.set_reporter r