package liquidsoap-lang

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Internal_error of Pos.t list * string
exception Parse_error of Pos.t * string
exception Unsupported_encoder of Pos.t option * string
val conf_debug : bool Stdlib.ref
val conf_debug_errors : bool Stdlib.ref
val debug : bool Stdlib.Lazy.t
val profile : bool Stdlib.ref
val ref_t : ?pos:Pos.t -> Type.t -> Type.t
module Vars : sig ... end
module Ground : sig ... end
module type GroundDef = sig ... end
module MkGround (D : GroundDef) : sig ... end
module Methods : sig ... end
type t = private {
  1. mutable t : Type.t;
  2. term : in_term;
  3. methods : t Methods.t;
  4. id : int;
and doc = Doc.Value.t
and let_t = {
  1. doc : doc option;
  2. replace : bool;
  3. pat : pattern;
  4. mutable gen : Type.var list;
  5. def : t;
  6. body : t;
and encoder_params = (string * [ `Encoder of encoder | `Term of t ]) list
and encoder = string * encoder_params
and invoke = {
  1. invoked : t;
  2. default : t option;
  3. meth : string;
and in_term =
  1. | Ground of Ground.t
  2. | Encoder of encoder
  3. | List of t list
  4. | Tuple of t list
  5. | Null
  6. | Cast of t * Type.t
  7. | Invoke of invoke
  8. | Open of t * t
  9. | Let of let_t
  10. | Var of string
  11. | Seq of t * t
  12. | App of t * (string * t) list
  13. | Fun of Vars.t * (string * string * Type.t * t option) list * t
  14. | RFun of string * Vars.t * (string * string * Type.t * t option) list * t
and pattern =
  1. | PVar of string list
  2. | PTuple of pattern list
  3. | PList of pattern list * string option * pattern list
  4. | PMeth of pattern option * (string * pattern option) list
type term = t
val unit : in_term
val is_ground : t -> bool
val string_of_pat : pattern -> string
val to_string : t -> string
val make : ?pos:Pos.t -> ?t:Type.t -> ?methods:term Methods.t -> in_term -> t
val trim_runtime_types : unit -> unit
val free_vars_pat : pattern -> Vars.t
val bound_vars_pat : pattern -> Vars.t
val free_vars : ?bound:Vars.elt list -> t -> Vars.t
val can_ignore : Type.t -> bool
exception Unbound of Pos.Option.t * string
exception Ignored of t
exception No_label of t * string * bool * t
exception Duplicate_label of Pos.Option.t * string
exception Missing_arguments of Pos.Option.t * (string * Type.t) list
exception Unused_variable of string * Pos.t
val check_unused : throw:(exn -> unit) -> lib:bool -> t -> unit
module type Abstract = sig ... end
module type AbstractDef = sig ... end
module MkAbstract (Def : AbstractDef) : sig ... end

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