package liquidsoap-lang

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Values are untyped normal forms of terms.

module Ground = Term.Ground

Ground values.

module Methods = Term.Methods
type t = {
  1. pos : Pos.Option.t;
  2. value : in_value;
  3. methods : t Methods.t;
and env = (string * t) list
and lazy_env = (string * t Stdlib.Lazy.t) list
and in_value =
  1. | Ground of Ground.t
  2. | List of t list
  3. | Tuple of t list
  4. | Null
  5. | Fun of (string * string * t option) list * lazy_env * Term.t
  6. | FFI of (string * string * t option) list * env -> t
val unit : in_value
val string_of_float : float -> string
val to_string : t -> string
val invoke : t -> string -> t

Find a method in a value.

val invokes : t -> string list -> t

Perform a sequence of invokes: invokes x l1;l2;l3;... is x.l1.l2.l3...

val demeth : t -> t
val remeth : t -> t -> t
val split_meths : t -> (string * t) list * t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type Abstract = sig ... end
module type AbstractDef = Term.AbstractDef
module MkAbstractFromTerm (Term : Term.Abstract) : sig ... end
module MkAbstract (Def : AbstractDef) : sig ... end
module RuntimeType : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.