Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Liquid_syntax.Syntax end
include module type of struct include Liquid_syntax.Tokens end
type block_token = Liquid_syntax.Tokens.block_token =
| StatementStart of whitespace_control
| StatementEnd of whitespace_control
| ExpressionStart of whitespace_control
| ExpressionEnd of whitespace_control
| LiquidStart
| RawText of Base.string
type lex_value = Liquid_syntax.Tokens.lex_value =
type lex_token = Liquid_syntax.Tokens.lex_token =
| If
| EndIf
| Unless
| EndUnless
| Case
| EndCase
| LexFor
| LexEndFor
| Capture
| EndCapture
| Paginate
| EndPaginate
| TableRow
| EndTableRow
| Raw
| EndRaw
| ElseIf
| Else
| When
| LexForm
| LexStyle
| LexEndForm
| LexEndStyle
| LexInclude
| LexRender
| LexLayout
| LexSection
| LexBreak
| LexContinue
| Cycle
| In
| By
| LexWith
| LexAs
| Assign
| Increment
| Decrement
| Pipe
| Colon
| Equals
| Comma
| LexNone
| Space
| Newline
| Operator of operator
| LexText of Base.string
| LexCombiner of lex_combiner
| LexValue of lex_value
| LexExpression of lex_token Base.list
module LiquidObject = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.LiquidObject
module Object = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.Object
val obj_as_list : 'a Object.t -> (Object.key * 'a) Base__List.t
module VariableContext = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.VariableContext
module Ctx = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.Ctx
type value = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.value =
| Bool of Base.bool
| String of Base.string
| Number of Base.float
| Var of Base.string Base.list
| List of value Base.list
| Date of Liquid_syntax.Date.t
| Object of liquid_object
| Nil
type expression = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.expression =
| Value of value
| Func of Base.string * expression Base.list
type condition = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.condition =
type ast = Liquid_syntax.Syntax.ast =
| Capture of Base.string * ast
| Block of ast Base.list
| Test of condition * ast * ast Base.option
| For of Base.string * value * for_params * ast * ast Base.option
| Cycle of Base.string Base.option * Base.string Base.list
| Expression of expression
| Assignment of Base.string * expression
| Text of Base.string
| Break
| Continue
| Layout of Base.string Base.option
| Include of Base.string
| Section of Base.string
| Render of Base.string * variable_context * ast Base.option
| Paginate of id * Base.int * ast
| Nothing
val list_of_range : lex_value -> int list
val for_params_default : for_params
type liquid_filter =
variable_context ->
value Base.list ->
(value, Base.string) Base.Result.t
type liquid_filter_lookup = Base.string -> liquid_filter Base.option
val liquid_int : Base.Int.t -> value
val liquid_float : Base.float -> value
val pack_object : liquid_object -> value
module Date = Liquid_syntax.Date
module Settings = Liquid_syntax.Settings
module Values = Liquid_syntax.Values