package linol-eio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module IO : sig ... end
type t
module Position = Lsp.Types.Position
module Range = Lsp.Types.Range
module Diagnostic = Lsp.Types.Diagnostic
module DiagnosticSeverity = Lsp.Types.DiagnosticSeverity
module Req_id : sig ... end
type server_request_handler_pair =
  1. | Request_and_handler : 'from_server Lsp.Server_request.t * (('from_server, Jsonrpc.Response.Error.t) Stdlib.result -> unit IO.t) -> server_request_handler_pair
class virtual base_server : object ... end
val async : base_server -> (unit -> unit IO.t) -> unit IO.t
class notify_back : notify_back:(Lsp.Server_notification.t -> unit IO.t) -> server_request:(server_request_handler_pair -> Req_id.t IO.t) -> workDoneToken:[ `Int of int | `String of string ] option -> partialResultToken:'a -> ?version: int -> ?uri:Lsp.Types.DocumentUri.t -> unit -> object ... end
type nonrec doc_state = {
  1. uri : Lsp.Types.DocumentUri.t;
  2. languageId : string;
  3. version : int;
  4. content : string;
class virtual server : object ... end
val create : ?on_received:(Yojson.Safe.t -> unit) -> ?on_sent:(Yojson.Safe.t -> unit) -> ic:IO.in_channel -> oc:IO.out_channel -> server -> t
val create_stdio : ?on_received:(Yojson.Safe.t -> unit) -> ?on_sent:(Yojson.Safe.t -> unit) -> env:IO.env -> server -> t
val send_server_notification : t -> Lsp.Server_notification.t -> unit IO.t
val send_server_request : t -> 'from_server Lsp.Server_request.t -> (('from_server, Jsonrpc.Response.Error.t) Stdlib.result -> unit IO.t) -> Req_id.t IO.t
val run : ?shutdown:(unit -> bool) -> t -> unit IO.t

Innovation. Community. Security.