package lilis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Utilities for Lilis such as parsing and verification on L-systems.

module SMap : Map.S with type key = string


exception OptionalArgument of string * string

OptionalArgument (symbol, arg)

exception ParseError of int * int * string

ParseError (line, col, token)

val string_of_ParseError : (int * int * string) -> string

Output "Parse error on line %line, colunm %col, token %token"

val from_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.lsystem list
val from_string : string -> (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.lsystem list
val lsystem_from_string : string -> (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.lsystem

Parse only one lsystem.


val to_string : (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.lsystem -> string
val fprint : Format.formatter -> (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.lsystem -> unit
val fprint_rule : Format.formatter -> (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.rule -> unit


exception ArityError of string * int * int

ArityError ( symbol, defined_arity, used_arity )

exception VarDefError of string * string

VarDefError ( symbol, undefined_variable )

exception TokenDefError of string

TokenDefError (symbol)

val check_stream : int SMap.t -> (string * 'a list) list -> unit

Check a stream against an environment. This environment is a mapping name -> arity.

  • raises ArityError,

    VarDefError, TokenDefError

val check_rule : int SMap.t -> ?arit_env:Calc.Env.t -> (string * string Calc.t list) Lilis.rule -> unit

As check_stream for a rule. Need also an arithmetic environment, will use Calc.Env.usual if none is provided.

  • raises ArityError,

    VarDefError, TokenDefError

val replace_in_post_rules : (string * ('a * int)) list -> (string * 'b list) Lilis.lsystem -> ('a * 'b list) Lilis.lsystem

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