remove_duplicates l removes duplicate elements from the list l. As a side-effect, the list might be reordered.
val remove_dups : ('a->'a-> int)->('a->'a-> bool)->'a list->'a list
remove_dups compare eq l as remove_duplicates but with parameterised comparison and equality
val lex_ord_list : ('a->'a-> int)->'a list->'a list-> int
Lift a comparison order to the lexical order on lists
val assoc_equal_opt : ('a->'a-> bool)->'a->('a * 'b) list->'b option
assoc_equal_opt and assoc_compare_opt are like List.assoc_opt but take equality/comparison functions as arguments, rather than relying on OCaml's built in equality
val assoc_compare_opt : ('a->'a-> int)->'a->('a * 'b) list->'b option
val power : int ->int -> int
val update_last : ('a->'a)->'a list->'a list
Apply a function to the last element of a list
val update_first : ('a->'a)->'a list->'a list
val map_last : (bool ->'a->'b)->'a list->'b list
Map but pass true to the function for the last element
val iter_last : (bool ->'a-> unit)->'a list-> unit
Option Functions
val option_cases : 'a option->('a->'b)->(unit ->'b)->'b
option_these xs extracts the elements of the list xs wrapped in Some.
val option_all : 'a option list->'a list option
option_all xs extracts the elements of the list xs if all of them are wrapped in Some. If any are None then the result is None is None. option_all [] is Some []
List Functions
val list_empty : 'a list-> bool
val list_index : ('a-> bool)->'a list->int option
list_index p l returns the first index i such that the predicate p (l!i) holds. If no such i exists, None is returned.
val option_first : ('a->'b option)->'a list->'b option
option_first f l searches for the first element x of l such that the f x is not None. If such an element exists, f x is returned, otherwise None.
val map_changed : ('a->'a option)->'a list->'a list option
map_changed f l maps f over l. If for all elements of l the function f returns None, then map_changed f l returns None. Otherwise, it uses x for all elements, where f x returns None, and returns the resulting list.
val map_changed_default :
('a->'b)->('a->'b option)->'a list->'b list option
map_changed_default d f l maps f over l. If for all elements of l the function f returns None, then map_changed f l returns None. Otherwise, it uses d x for all elements x, where f x returns None, and returns the resulting list.
val list_iter_sep : (unit -> unit)->('a-> unit)->'a list-> unit
list_iter sf f [a1; ...; an] applies function f in turn to a1; ...; an and calls sf () in between. It is equivalent to begin f a1; sf(); f a2; sf(); ...; f an; () end.
val map_split : ('a->('b, 'c)result)->'a list->'b list * 'c list
val map_all : ('a->'b option)->'a list->'b list option
map_all f l maps f over l. If at least one entry is None, None is returned. Otherwise, the Some function is removed from the list.
val map_if : ('a-> bool)->('a->'a)->'a list->'a list
val map_exists : ('b-> bool)->('a->'b)->'a list-> bool
val list_to_front : int ->'a list->'a list
list_to_front i l resorts the list l by bringing the element at index i to the front. @throws Failure if i is not smaller than the length of l
val undo_list_to_front : int ->'a list->'a list
undo_list_to_front i l resorts the list l by moving the head element to index index i It's the inverse of list_to_front i l.
val split_after : int ->'a list->'a list * 'a list
split_after n l splits the first n elemenst from list l, i.e. it returns two lists l1 and l2, with length l1 = n and l1 @ l2 = l. Fails if n is too small or large.
val split3 : ('a * 'b * 'c) list->'a list * 'b list * 'c list
split3 l splits a list of triples into a triple of lists
val compare_list : ('a->'b-> int)->'a list->'b list-> int
val take : int ->'a list->'a list
val drop : int ->'a list->'a list
val delimit_list : ('a-> bool)->'a list->'a list list
val take_drop : ('a-> bool)->'a list->'a list * 'a list
val find_rest_opt : ('a-> bool)->'a list->('a * 'a list) option
val find_next : ('a-> bool)->'a list->'a list * ('a * 'a list) option
val find_index_opt : ('a-> bool)->'a list->(int * 'a) option
find an item in a list and return that item as well as its index
val find_map : ('a->'b option)->'a list->'b option
val fold_left_concat_map :
('a->'b->'a * 'c list)->'a->'b list->'a * 'c list
val fold_left_last : (bool ->'a->'b->'a)->'a->'b list->'a
val fold_left_index : (int ->'a->'b->'a)->'a->'b list->'a
val fold_left_index_last :
(int ->bool ->'a->'b->'a)->'a->'b list->'a
val fold_left_map :
('acc->'a->'acc * 'b)->'acc->'a list->'acc * 'b list
val list_init : int ->(int ->'a)->'a list
String utilities
val starts_with : prefix:string ->string -> bool
Alternative to String.starts_with for OCaml < 4.13
val levenshtein_distance : ?osa:bool ->string ->string -> int
Compute the levenshtein distance between two strings using the Wagner–Fischer algorithm. If ~osa is true computes the optimal string alignment distance, which is similar but allows swaps as a single action.
val copy_file : string ->string -> unit
copy_file src dst copies file src to file dst. Only files are supported, no directories.
val move_file : string ->string -> unit
move_file src dst moves file src to file dst. In contrast to Sys.rename no error is produced, if dst already exists. Moreover, in case Sys.rename fails for some reason (e.g. because it does not work over filesystem boundaries), copy_file and Sys.remove are used as fallback.
input_byte_opt chan tries to read a byte b from input channel chan, and returns Some b in case of success, or None if the end of the file was reached.
val same_content_files : string ->string -> bool
same_content_files file1 file2 checks, whether the files file1 and file2 have the same content. If at least one of the files does not exist, false is returned. same_content_files throws an exception, if one of the files exists, but cannot be read.
val read_whole_file : string -> string
read_whole_file filename reads the contents of the file and returns it as a string.
val string_to_list : string ->char list
string_to_list l translates the string l to the list of its characters.
val string_of_list : string ->('a-> string)->'a list-> string
val string_of_option : ('a-> string)->'a option-> string
val split_on_char : char ->string ->string list
Terminal color codes
val termcode : int -> string
val bold : string -> string
val dim : string -> string
val darkgray : string -> string
val green : string -> string
val red : string -> string
val red_bg : string -> string
val yellow : string -> string
val cyan : string -> string
val blue : string -> string
val magenta : string -> string
val clear : string -> string
Encoding schemes for strings
z-encoding will take any string with ASCII characters in the range 32-126 inclusive, and map it to a string that just contains ASCII upper and lower case letters and numbers, prefixed with the letter z. This mapping is one-to-one.
val zencode_string : string -> string
val zencode_upper_string : string -> string
val file_encode_string : string -> string
Encode string for use as a filename. We can't use zencode directly because some operating systems make the mistake of being case-insensitive.
Misc output functions
val log_line : string ->int ->string -> string
val header : string ->int -> string
val progress : string ->string ->int ->int -> unit
always_replace_files determines whether Sail only updates modified files. If it is set to true, all output files are written, regardless of whether the files existed before. If it is set to false and an output file already exists, the output file is only updated, if its content really changes.