package letsencrypt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Jws: Json Web Signatures.

Jws is an implementation of the Json Web Signature Standard (RFC7515). Currently, encoding and decoding operations only support the RS256 algorithm; specifically the encoding operation is a bit rusty, and probably its interface will change in the future.

type jws_header_t = {
  1. alg : string;
  2. nonce : string option;
  3. jwk : Jwk.key_t option;

type jws_header_t records information about the header.

val encode : Nocrypto.Rsa.priv -> string -> string -> string

encode private_key data nonce produces the RS256, JWS-encoding of data. The protected header will include the nonce nonce.

val decode : ?pub:Jwk.key_t -> string -> (jws_header_t * string, [ `Msg of string ]) result

decode public_key data verifies the JWS-signature of data using public_key and returns a pair (header, content) if the signature was valid. If public_key is not provided, then it will look for it JWK-encoded in the header, as a "jwk" argument. If the signature was not valid, we return None.


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