Module type
Class type
This class abstracts a connection to an LDAP server (or servers), an instance will be connected to the server you specify and can be used to perform operations on that server.
new ldapcon ~connect_timeout:5 ~version:3
In addition to specifying multiple urls, if DNS names are given, and those names are bound to multiple addresses, then all possible addresses will be tried.
new ldapcon ["ldaps://rrldap.csun.edu"]
is equivelant to
new ldapcon ["ldap://";"ldap://";"ldap://"]
This means that if any host in the rr fails, the ldapcon will transparently move on to the next host, and you will never know the difference.
Default 1, an integer which specifies how long to wait for any given server in the list to respond before trying the next one. After all the servers have been tried for connect_timeout seconds LDAP_Failure (`SERVER_DOWN, ...) will be raised.
In a future version of ocamldap this will be used to specify what you would like to do in the event of a referral. Currently it does nothing and is ignored see Ldap_ooclient.referral_policy.
The protocol version to use, the default is 3, the other recognized value is 2.
To bind anonymously, omit ~cred, and leave dn blank eg.
ldap#bind ""
The credentials to provide for binding. Default "".
The method to use when binding See Ldap_funclient.authmethod the default is `SIMPLE. If `SASL is used then dn and ~cred Are interperted according to the chosen SASL mechanism. SASL binds have not been tested extensively.
method unbind : unit
Deauthenticate and close the connection to the server
Default `SUBTREE, defines the scope of the search. see Ldap_types.search_scope
Default [] (means all attributes)
Default false If true, asks the server to return only the attribute names, not their values.
Default "", The search base, which is the dn of the object from which you want to start your search. Only that object, and it's children will be included in the search. Further controlled by ~scope.
The time limit (in seconds) to allow the search to run for. Default 0l, which means there is no user specified time limit, the server may still impose one.
The max number of entries to return from the search (in number of entries)
Fetch and parse the schema from the directory via the standard mechanism (requires version 3). Return a structured representation of the schema indexed by canonical name, and oid.
Syncronize changes made locally to an ldapentry with the directory.
method modrdn : string ->?deleteoldrdn:bool ->?newsup:string option->string ->
Modify the rdn of the object named by dn, if the protocol version is 3 you may additionally change the superior, the rdn will be changed to the attribute represented (as a string) by newrdn,