package ldap

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

an object oriented interface to the ldif parser

exception Invalid_changerec of string

an exception raised when there is a parse error

exception End_of_changerecs

raised at the end of the change records

val iter : ('a -> unit) -> < read_changerec : 'a.. > -> unit

Ldif_changerec.iter f change, iterate accross all change entries in the specified change object, applying f to each one

val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> < read_changerec : 'b.. > -> 'a -> 'a

Ldif_changerec.fold f change value, for each change entry en in the change object fold computes f (... (f (f value e1) e2) ...) en

class change : ?in_ch:Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel -> ?out_ch:Stdlib.Pervasives.out_channel -> unit -> object ... end

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