Module type
Class type
Protects landmarks against concurrency.
This module implements of wrapper around some of the primitives of the Landmark module in order to prevent concurrent thread to enter landmarks. Only one thread may be benchmarked at a time, the one which started the profiling. Other calls to the primitives outside this thread behaves as ignore.
It requires the Thread module (and only available in 'landmarks-threads' archive.
include module type of Landmark
with type landmark = Landmark.landmark
and type sampler = Landmark.sampler
and type counter = Landmark.counter
module Graph = Landmark.Graph
The main module
val clock : unit -> Int64.t
This function is used by the landmark infrastructure to measure the number of cycles inside landmarks.
Landmarks identify portions of code, they are registered with the function register
and delimited by enter
and exit
type landmark = Landmark.landmark
The type of landmarks.
val register : ?id:string -> ?location:string -> string -> landmark
register name
registers a new landmark. Note that landmarks are identified by location + name (or by id
if provided). If you register a landmark twice the second call returns a physically equal value to the first call (if you provide id
the name & location of the second call is ignored).
val landmark_of_id : string -> landmark option
landmark_of_id id
return the landmark currently identify by id
val enter : landmark -> unit
Begins a landmark block. /!\ Landmark blocks should be well-nested, otherwise a failure will be raised during profiling.
val exit : landmark -> unit
Ends a landmark block.
val wrap : landmark -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Puts landmark blocks around a function (and close the block and re-raise in case of uncaught exception).
val unsafe_wrap : landmark -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Puts landmark blocks around a function without catching exceptions.
Counters are similar to landmarks except they represent empty pieces of code. Their only primitive is increment
which adds a constant to the field calls
. Samplers are used to collect floats.
type counter = Landmark.counter
The type of counters.
val register_counter : string -> counter
register_counter name
registers a new counter. Should always be called at top-level.
val increment : ?times:int -> counter -> unit
Increments the number of calls attached to the counter.
type sampler = Landmark.sampler
The type of samplers.
val register_sampler : string -> sampler
register_counter name
registers a new sampler.
val sample : sampler -> float -> unit
Collects a float.
type profile_output =
| Silent
disables the automatic output of profiling results when the program ends.
*)| Temporary of string option
writes the results in a temporary files and prints its path on stderr.
*)| Channel of out_channel
writes in the results in out_channel.
*)Where to output results.
type profile_format =
Easily parsable export format.
*)| Textual of textual_option
Console friendly output; nodes below the threshold (0.0 <= threshold <= 100.0) are not displayed in the callgraph.
*)The output format for the results.
type profiling_options = {
debug : bool;
Activates a verbose mode that outputs traces on stderr each time the landmarks primitives are called. Default: false.
*)allocated_bytes : bool;
sys_time : bool;
recursive : bool;
When false, the recursive instances of landmarks (entering a landmark that has already been entered) are ignored (the number of calls is updated but it does not generate a new node in the callgraph).
*)output : profile_output;
Specify where to output the results.
*)format : profile_format;
Specify the output format.
The profiling options control the behavior of the landmark infrastructure.
val default_options : profiling_options
The default profiling_options
val set_profiling_options : profiling_options -> unit
Sets the options.
val profiling_options : unit -> profiling_options
Get the options.
val start_profiling : ?profiling_options:profiling_options -> unit -> unit
Starts the profiling.
val export : ?label:string -> unit -> Graph.graph
Export the profiling information of the current process.
val export_and_reset : ?label:string -> unit -> Graph.graph
Export the profiling information of the current process; then reset internal state.
val merge : Graph.graph -> unit
Aggregate the profiling information (exported by another process) to the current one. This should is used by the master process to merge exported profiles of workers.
Save the state of the profiler on a stack to be retrieved later by pop_profiling_state ()