Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Interface to LSP.
module Command : sig ... end
Abstract representation of a command (top-level item).
val rangemap : Command.t list -> Core.Term.qident Lplib.RangeMap.t
module Tactic : sig ... end
Abstract representation of a tactic (proof item).
module ProofTree : sig ... end
Abstract representation of a proof.
exception Parse_error of Common.Pos.pos * string
Exception raised by parse_text
parse_text st ~fname contents
runs the parser on the string contents
as if it were a file named fname
. The action takes place in the state st
, and an updated state is returned. The function may raise Parse_error
A goal is given by a list of assumptions and a conclusion. Each assumption has a name and a type.
type goal = (string * string) list * conclusion
val current_goals : proof_state -> goal list
current_goals s
returns the list of open goals for proof state s
type command_result =
| Cmd_OK of state * string option
Command is done.
*)| Cmd_Proof of proof_state * ProofTree.t * Common.Pos.popt * Common.Pos.popt
Enter proof mode (positions are for statement and qed).
*)| Cmd_Error of Common.Pos.popt option * string
Error report.
*)Result type of the handle_command
type tactic_result =
| Tac_OK of proof_state * string option
| Tac_Error of Common.Pos.popt option * string
Result type of the handle_tactic
val initial_state : string -> state
initial_state fname
gives an initial state for working with the (source) file fname
. The resulting state can be used by handle_command
val handle_command : state -> Command.t -> command_result
handle_command st cmd
evaluates the command cmd
in state st
, giving one of three possible results: the command is fully handled (corresponding to the Cmd_OK
constructor, the command starts a proof (corresponding to the Cmd_Proof
constructor), or the command fails (corresponding to the Cmd_Error
val handle_tactic : proof_state -> Tactic.t -> int -> tactic_result
handle_tactic ps tac n
evaluates the tactic tac
with n
subproofs in proof state ps
, returning a new proof state (with Tac_OK
) or an error (with Tac_Error
val end_proof : proof_state -> command_result
end_proof st
finalises the proof which state is st
, returning a result at the command level for the whole theorem. This function should be called when all the tactics have been handled with handle_tactic
. Note that the value returned by this function cannot be Cmd_Proof
val get_symbols : state -> Core.Term.sym Lplib.Extra.StrMap.t
get_symbols st
returns all the symbols defined in the signature at state st
. This can be used for displaying the type of symbols.