package lambdapi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Translate the parser-level AST to Coq.

val log : 'a Lplib.Base.outfmt -> 'a
val stt : bool ref
val translate_ident : string -> string
val raw_ident : string Lplib.Base.pp
val param_ids : Parsing.Syntax.p_ident option list Lplib.Base.pp
type priority = [
  1. | `Func
  2. | `Appl
  3. | `Atom

The possible priority levels are `Func (top level, including abstraction and product), `Appl (application) and `Atom (smallest priority).

val params_list : Parsing.Syntax.p_params list Lplib.Base.pp
val inductive : string -> Parsing.Syntax.p_inductive Lplib.Base.pp
val notation : string Core.Sign.notation Lplib.Base.pp
val print : bool -> Parsing.Syntax.ast -> unit

print b ast sets stt to b and translates ast to Coq on standard output.


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