A widget displaying a frame around child widget. Unlike frame, the child widget is not expanded to take all available space; instead the child is centered and frame is drawn around it. This is a utility class for creation of modal dialogs and similar widgets.
val run :
LTerm.t->?save_state:bool ->?load_resources:bool ->?resources_file:string ->t->'aLwt.t->'aLwt.t
run term ?save_state widget w runs on the given terminal using widget as main widget. It returns when w terminates. If save_state is true (the default) then the state of the terminal is saved and restored when w terminates.
If load_resources is true (the default) then resources_file (which default to ".lambda-termrc" in the home directory) is loaded and the result is set to w.
This function works in the same way as run but also takes two Lwt_react.event parameters. The first one should contain LTerm_widget.t widget and makes it new topmost layer in UI. The second message removes the topmost level from UI. All layers are redrawn, from bottom to up, but only the topmost layer gets keyboard events delivered to it. This allows to implement things like modal dialogs.
val prepare_simple_run :
unit ->(t->'aLwt.t)
* (t->unit ->
* (?step:React.step ->unit ->
* ('a->
prepare_simple_run () returns a tuple (do_run, push_layer, pop_layer,
exit) -- functions useful for creating simple UI.
do_run w where w is a widget runs the given widget in a terminal over stdout, loading resources from .lambda-termrc, saving state and restoring it on exit from ui. Example: do_run my_frame
push_layer w where w is a widget is a callback to add w as a new modal layer to UI. Example: button#on_click (push_layer my_modal_dialog).
pop_layer is a callback to destroy the topmost modal layer. Example: cancel_button#on_click pop_layer.
exit is a callback to exit the UI. Example: exit_button#on_click exit