package labltk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val opentk : unit -> Widget.toplevel Widget.widget
val keywords : (string * Arg.spec * string) list
val opentk_with_args : string list -> Widget.toplevel Widget.widget
val openTk : ?display:string -> ?clas:string -> unit -> Widget.toplevel Widget.widget
val openTkClass : string -> Widget.toplevel Widget.widget
val openTkDisplayClass : string -> string -> Widget.toplevel Widget.widget
val closeTk : unit -> unit
val mainLoop : unit -> unit
val register : string -> callback:(Protocol.callback_buffer -> unit) -> unit
val may : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val maycons : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b list -> 'b list
type filePattern = {
  1. typename : string;
  2. extensions : string list;
  3. mactypes : string list;
val cCAMLtoTKfilePattern : filePattern -> Protocol.tkArgs
type bitmap = [
  1. | `File of string
  2. | `Predefined of string
type color = [
  1. | `Black
  2. | `Blue
  3. | `Color of string
  4. | `Green
  5. | `Red
  6. | `White
  7. | `Yellow
type cursor = [
  1. | `Cursorfilefg of string * color
  2. | `Cursormaskfile of string * string * color * color
  3. | `Xcursor of string
  4. | `Xcursorfg of string * color
  5. | `Xcursorfgbg of string * color * color
type units = [
  1. | `Cm of float
  2. | `In of float
  3. | `Mm of float
  4. | `Pix of int
  5. | `Pt of float
type scrollValue = [
  1. | `Moveto of float
  2. | `Page of int
  3. | `Unit of int
type event = [
  1. | `Activate
  2. | `ButtonPress
  3. | `ButtonPressDetail of int
  4. | `ButtonRelease
  5. | `ButtonReleaseDetail of int
  6. | `Circulate
  7. | `Colormap
  8. | `Configure
  9. | `Deactivate
  10. | `Destroy
  11. | `Enter
  12. | `Expose
  13. | `FocusIn
  14. | `FocusOut
  15. | `Gravity
  16. | `KeyPress
  17. | `KeyPressDetail of string
  18. | `KeyRelease
  19. | `KeyReleaseDetail of string
  20. | `Leave
  21. | `Map
  22. | `Modified of modifier list * event
  23. | `Motion
  24. | `Property
  25. | `Reparent
  26. | `Unmap
  27. | `Virtual of string
  28. | `Visibility
and modifier = [
  1. | `Alt
  2. | `Button1
  3. | `Button2
  4. | `Button3
  5. | `Button4
  6. | `Button5
  7. | `Control
  8. | `Double
  9. | `Lock
  10. | `Meta
  11. | `Mod1
  12. | `Mod2
  13. | `Mod3
  14. | `Mod4
  15. | `Mod5
  16. | `Shift
  17. | `Triple
type eventInfo = {
  1. mutable ev_Above : int;
  2. mutable ev_ButtonNumber : int;
  3. mutable ev_Count : int;
  4. mutable ev_Detail : string;
  5. mutable ev_Focus : bool;
  6. mutable ev_Height : int;
  7. mutable ev_KeyCode : int;
  8. mutable ev_Mode : string;
  9. mutable ev_OverrideRedirect : bool;
  10. mutable ev_Place : string;
  11. mutable ev_State : string;
  12. mutable ev_Time : int;
  13. mutable ev_Width : int;
  14. mutable ev_MouseX : int;
  15. mutable ev_MouseY : int;
  16. mutable ev_Char : string;
  17. mutable ev_BorderWidth : int;
  18. mutable ev_SendEvent : bool;
  19. mutable ev_KeySymString : string;
  20. mutable ev_KeySymInt : int;
  21. mutable ev_RootWindow : int;
  22. mutable ev_SubWindow : int;
  23. mutable ev_Type : int;
  24. mutable ev_Widget : Widget.any Widget.widget;
  25. mutable ev_RootX : int;
  26. mutable ev_RootY : int;
type eventField = [
  1. | `Above
  2. | `BorderWidth
  3. | `ButtonNumber
  4. | `Char
  5. | `Count
  6. | `Detail
  7. | `Focus
  8. | `Height
  9. | `KeyCode
  10. | `KeySymInt
  11. | `KeySymString
  12. | `Mode
  13. | `MouseX
  14. | `MouseY
  15. | `OverrideRedirect
  16. | `Place
  17. | `RootWindow
  18. | `RootX
  19. | `RootY
  20. | `SendEvent
  21. | `State
  22. | `SubWindow
  23. | `Time
  24. | `Type
  25. | `Widget
  26. | `Width
val filleventInfo : eventInfo -> string -> eventField -> unit
val wrapeventInfo : (eventInfo -> 'a) -> eventField list -> string list -> 'a
val writeeventField : eventField list -> string
type bindings = [
  1. | `Tag of string
  2. | `Widget of Widget.any Widget.widget
type font = string
type grabGlobal = bool
type canvas_index = [
  1. | `Atxy of int * int
  2. | `End
  3. | `Insert
  4. | `Num of int
  5. | `Selfirst
  6. | `Sellast
type entry_index = [
  1. | `Anchor
  2. | `At of int
  3. | `End
  4. | `Insert
  5. | `Num of int
  6. | `Selfirst
  7. | `Sellast
type listbox_index = [
  1. | `Active
  2. | `Anchor
  3. | `Atxy of int * int
  4. | `End
  5. | `Num of int
type menu_index = [
  1. | `Active
  2. | `At of int
  3. | `End
  4. | `Last
  5. | `None
  6. | `Num of int
  7. | `Pattern of string
type text_index = [
  1. | `Atxy of int * int
  2. | `End
  3. | `Image of string
  4. | `Linechar of int * int
  5. | `Mark of string
  6. | `Tagfirst of string
  7. | `Taglast of string
  8. | `Window of Widget.any Widget.widget
type linechar_index = int * int
type num_index = int
type paletteType = [
  1. | `Gray of int
  2. | `Rgb of int * int * int
type textMark = string
type textTag = string
type textModifier = [
  1. | `Char of int
  2. | `Line of int
  3. | `Lineend
  4. | `Linestart
  5. | `Wordend
  6. | `Wordstart
type textIndex = text_index * textModifier list
type anchor = [
  1. | `Center
  2. | `E
  3. | `N
  4. | `Ne
  5. | `Nw
  6. | `S
  7. | `Se
  8. | `Sw
  9. | `W
type image = [
  1. | `Bitmap of string
  2. | `Photo of string
type justification = [
  1. | `Center
  2. | `Left
  3. | `Right
type orientation = [
  1. | `Horizontal
  2. | `Vertical
type relief = [
  1. | `Flat
  2. | `Groove
  3. | `Raised
  4. | `Ridge
  5. | `Solid
  6. | `Sunken
type state = [
  1. | `Active
  2. | `Disabled
  3. | `Hidden
  4. | `Normal
type colorMode = [
  1. | `Color
  2. | `Gray
  3. | `Mono
type arcStyle = [
  1. | `Arc
  2. | `Chord
  3. | `Pieslice
type arrowStyle = [
  1. | `Both
  2. | `First
  3. | `Last
  4. | `None
type capStyle = [
  1. | `Butt
  2. | `Projecting
  3. | `Round
type joinStyle = [
  1. | `Bevel
  2. | `Miter
  3. | `Round
type canvasTextState = [
  1. | `Disabled
  2. | `Hidden
  3. | `Normal
type inputState = [
  1. | `Disabled
  2. | `Normal
type weight = [
  1. | `Bold
  2. | `Normal
type slant = [
  1. | `Italic
  2. | `Roman
type visual = [
  1. | `Best
  2. | `Bestdepth of int
  3. | `Clas of string * int
  4. | `Default
  5. | `Widget of Widget.any Widget.widget
type colormap = [
  1. | `New
  2. | `Widget of Widget.any Widget.widget
type selectModeType = [
  1. | `Browse
  2. | `Extended
  3. | `Multiple
  4. | `Single
type menuType = [
  1. | `Menubar
  2. | `Normal
  3. | `Tearoff
type menubuttonDirection = [
  1. | `Above
  2. | `Below
  3. | `Left
  4. | `Right
type fillMode = [
  1. | `Both
  2. | `None
  3. | `X
  4. | `Y
type side = [
  1. | `Bottom
  2. | `Left
  3. | `Right
  4. | `Top
type borderMode = [
  1. | `Ignore
  2. | `Inside
  3. | `Outside
type alignType = [
  1. | `Baseline
  2. | `Bottom
  3. | `Center
  4. | `Top
type wrapMode = [
  1. | `Char
  2. | `None
  3. | `Word
type tabType = [
  1. | `TabCenter of int
  2. | `TabLeft of int
  3. | `TabNumeric of int
  4. | `TabRight of int
type messageIcon = [
  1. | `Error
  2. | `Info
  3. | `Question
  4. | `Warning
type messageType = [
  1. | `Abortretryignore
  2. | `Ok
  3. | `Okcancel
  4. | `Retrycancel
  5. | `Yesno
  6. | `Yesnocancel
type tagOrId = [
  1. | `Id of int
  2. | `Tag of string
type imageBitmap = [
  1. | `Bitmap of string
type imagePhoto = [
  1. | `Photo of string
type searchSpec = [
  1. | `Above of tagOrId
  2. | `All
  3. | `Below of tagOrId
  4. | `Closest of int * int
  5. | `Closesthalo of int * int * int
  6. | `Closesthalostart of int * int * int * tagOrId
  7. | `Enclosed of int * int * int * int
  8. | `Overlapping of int * int * int * int
  9. | `Withtag of tagOrId
type canvasItem = [
  1. | `Arc
  2. | `Bitmap
  3. | `Image
  4. | `Line
  5. | `Oval
  6. | `Polygon
  7. | `Rectangle
  8. | `Text
  9. | `User_item of string
  10. | `Window
type fontMetrics = [
  1. | `Ascent
  2. | `Descent
  3. | `Fixed
  4. | `Linespace
type grabStatus = [
  1. | `Global
  2. | `Local
  3. | `None
type menuItem = [
  1. | `Cascade
  2. | `Checkbutton
  3. | `Command
  4. | `Radiobutton
  5. | `Separator
  6. | `Tearoff
type optionPriority = [
  1. | `Interactive
  2. | `Priority of int
  3. | `StartupFile
  4. | `UserDefault
  5. | `WidgetDefault
type scaleElement = [
  1. | `Beyond
  2. | `Slider
  3. | `Trough1
  4. | `Trough2
type scrollbarElement = [
  1. | `Arrow1
  2. | `Arrow2
  3. | `Beyond
  4. | `Slider
  5. | `Through1
  6. | `Through2
type sendOption = [
  1. | `Async
  2. | `Displayof of Widget.any Widget.widget
type comparison = [
  1. | `Eq
  2. | `Ge
  3. | `Gt
  4. | `Le
  5. | `Lt
  6. | `Neq
type markDirection = [
  1. | `Left
  2. | `Right
type textSearch = [
  1. | `Backwards
  2. | `Count of Textvariable.textVariable
  3. | `Exact
  4. | `Forwards
  5. | `Nocase
  6. | `Regexp
type text_dump = [
  1. | `All
  2. | `Command of key:string -> value:string -> index:string -> unit
  3. | `Mark
  4. | `Tag
  5. | `Text
  6. | `Window
type atomId = [
  1. | `AtomId of int
type focusModel = [
  1. | `Active
  2. | `Passive
type wmFrom = [
  1. | `Program
  2. | `User
module Tkintf : sig ... end
val pixels : units -> int
val bind_class : events:event list -> ?extend:bool -> ?breakable:bool -> ?fields:eventField list -> ?action:(eventInfo -> unit) -> ?on:'a Widget.widget -> string -> unit
val bind : events:event list -> ?extend:bool -> ?breakable:bool -> ?fields:eventField list -> ?action:(eventInfo -> unit) -> 'a Widget.widget -> unit
val bind_tag : events:event list -> ?extend:bool -> ?breakable:bool -> ?fields:eventField list -> ?action:(eventInfo -> unit) -> ?on:'a Widget.widget -> string -> unit
val break : unit -> unit
val messageBox : ?default:string -> ?icon:messageIcon -> ?message:string -> ?parent:'a Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> ?typ:messageType -> unit -> string
val getSaveFile : ?defaultextension:string -> ?filetypes:filePattern list -> ?initialdir:string -> ?initialfile:string -> ?parent:'a Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> unit -> string
val getOpenFile : ?defaultextension:string -> ?filetypes:filePattern list -> ?initialdir:string -> ?initialfile:string -> ?parent:'a Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> unit -> string
val update_idletasks : unit -> unit
val update : unit -> unit
val chooseColor : ?initialcolor:color -> ?parent:'a Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> unit -> [> `Color of string ]
val scaling_set : ?displayof:'a Widget.widget -> float -> unit
val scaling_get : ?displayof:'a Widget.widget -> unit -> float
val appname_get : unit -> string
val appname_set : string -> unit
val send : sendOption list -> app:string -> command:string list -> unit
val raise_window : ?above:'a Widget.widget -> 'b Widget.widget -> unit
val place : ?anchor:anchor -> ?bordermode:borderMode -> ?height:int -> ?inside:'a Widget.widget -> ?relheight:float -> ?relwidth:float -> ?relx:float -> ?rely:float -> ?width:int -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> 'b Widget.widget -> unit
val pack : ?after:'a Widget.widget -> ?anchor:anchor -> ?before:'b Widget.widget -> ?expand:bool -> ?fill:fillMode -> ?inside:'c Widget.widget -> ?ipadx:int -> ?ipady:int -> ?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> ?side:side -> 'd Widget.widget list -> unit
val lower_window : ?below:'a Widget.widget -> 'b Widget.widget -> unit
val grid : ?column:int -> ?columnspan:int -> ?inside:'a Widget.widget -> ?ipadx:int -> ?ipady:int -> ?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> ?row:int -> ?rowspan:int -> ?sticky:string -> 'b Widget.widget list -> unit
val destroy : 'a Widget.widget -> unit
val bindtags_get : 'a Widget.widget -> [> `Tag of string | `Widget of Widget.any Widget.widget ] list
val bindtags : 'a Widget.widget -> bindings:[< `Tag of string | `Widget of 'b Widget.widget ] list -> unit
val cget : 'a Widget.widget -> [< `Accelerator | `Activebackground | `Activeborderwidth | `Activeforeground | `Activerelief | `After | `Align | `Anchor | `Arrow | `Arrowshape | `Aspect | `Background | `Before | `Bgstipple | `Bigincrement | `Bitmap | `Bordermode | `Borderwidth | `Capstyle | `Class | `Closeenough | `Colormap | `Colormode | `Column | `Columnbreak | `Columnspan | `Command | `Confine | `Container | `Cursor | `Dash | `Data | `Default | `Defaultextension | `Digits | `Direction | `Disabledforeground | `Elementborderwidth | `Expand | `Exportselection | `Extent | `Family | `Fgstipple | `File | `Filetypes | `Fill | `Font | `Foreground | `Format | `Gamma | `Geometry | `Height | `Hidemargin | `Highlightbackground | `Highlightcolor | `Highlightthickness | `Icon | `Image | `Indicatoron | `Initialcolor | `Initialdir | `Initialfile | `Insertbackground | `Insertborderwidth | `Insertofftime | `Insertontime | `Insertwidth | `Inside | `Ipadx | `Ipady | `Joinstyle | `Jump | `Justify | `Label | `Length | `Lmargin1 | `Lmargin2 | `Maskdata | `Maskfile | `Max | `Menu | `Message | `Min | `Minsize | `Name | `Offset | `Offvalue | `Onvalue | `Orient | `Outline | `Outlinestipple | `Overstrike | `Pad | `Padx | `Pady | `Pageanchor | `Pageheight | `Pagewidth | `Pagex | `Pagey | `Palette | `Parent | `Postcommand | `Relheight | `Relief | `Relwidth | `Relx | `Rely | `Repeatdelay | `Repeatinterval | `Resolution | `Rmargin | `Rotate | `Row | `Rowspan | `Screen | `Scrollregion | `Selectbackground | `Selectborderwidth | `Selectcolor | `Selectforeground | `Selectimage | `Selectmode | `Setgrid | `Show | `Showvalue | `Side | `Size | `Slant | `Sliderlength | `Smooth | `Spacing1 | `Spacing2 | `Spacing3 | `Splinesteps | `Start | `State | `Sticky | `Stipple | `Stretch | `Style | `Tabs | `Tags | `Takefocus | `Tearoff | `Tearoffcommand | `Text | `Textvariable | `Textwidth | `Tickinterval | `Title | `Troughcolor | `Type | `Underline | `Use | `Value | `Variable | `Visual | `Weight | `Width | `Window | `Wrap | `Wraplength | `X | `Xscrollcommand | `Xscrollincrement | `Y | `Yscrollcommand | `Yscrollincrement ] -> string
val cgets : 'a Widget.widget -> string -> string

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