package labltk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Widget = Camltkwrap.Widget
module Protocol = Camltkwrap.Protocol
module Textvariable = Camltkwrap.Textvariable
module Fileevent = Camltkwrap.Fileevent
module Timer = Camltkwrap.Timer
val opentk : unit -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget
val keywords : (string * Arg.spec * string) list
val opentk_with_args : string list -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget
val openTk : ?display:string -> ?clas:string -> unit -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget
val openTkClass : string -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget
val openTkDisplayClass : string -> string -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget
val closeTk : unit -> unit
val mainLoop : unit -> unit
val register : string -> callback:(Protocol.callback_buffer -> unit) -> unit
val may : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val maycons : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b list -> 'b list
type filePattern = {
  1. typename : string;
  2. extensions : string list;
  3. mactypes : string list;
val cCAMLtoTKfilePattern : filePattern -> Protocol.tkArgs
type bitmap =
  1. | BitmapFile of string
  2. | Predefined of string
type color =
  1. | NamedColor of string
  2. | Black
  3. | White
  4. | Red
  5. | Green
  6. | Blue
  7. | Yellow
type cursor =
  1. | XCursor of string
  2. | XCursorFg of string * color
  3. | XCursortFgBg of string * color * color
  4. | CursorFileFg of string * color
  5. | CursorMaskFile of string * string * color * color
type units =
  1. | Pixels of int
  2. | Centimeters of float
  3. | Inches of float
  4. | Millimeters of float
  5. | PrinterPoint of float
type scrollValue =
  1. | ScrollPage of int
  2. | ScrollUnit of int
  3. | MoveTo of float
type xEvent =
  1. | Activate
  2. | ButtonPress
  3. | ButtonPressDetail of int
  4. | ButtonRelease
  5. | ButtonReleaseDetail of int
  6. | Circulate
  7. | ColorMap
  8. | Configure
  9. | Deactivate
  10. | Destroy
  11. | Enter
  12. | Expose
  13. | FocusIn
  14. | FocusOut
  15. | Gravity
  16. | KeyPress
  17. | KeyPressDetail of string
  18. | KeyRelease
  19. | KeyReleaseDetail of string
  20. | Leave
  21. | Map
  22. | Motion
  23. | Property
  24. | Reparent
  25. | Unmap
  26. | Visibility
  27. | Virtual of string
type modifier =
  1. | Control
  2. | Shift
  3. | Lock
  4. | Button1
  5. | Button2
  6. | Button3
  7. | Button4
  8. | Button5
  9. | Double
  10. | Triple
  11. | Mod1
  12. | Mod2
  13. | Mod3
  14. | Mod4
  15. | Mod5
  16. | Meta
  17. | Alt
type eventInfo = {
  1. mutable ev_Above : int;
  2. mutable ev_ButtonNumber : int;
  3. mutable ev_Count : int;
  4. mutable ev_Detail : string;
  5. mutable ev_Focus : bool;
  6. mutable ev_Height : int;
  7. mutable ev_KeyCode : int;
  8. mutable ev_Mode : string;
  9. mutable ev_OverrideRedirect : bool;
  10. mutable ev_Place : string;
  11. mutable ev_State : string;
  12. mutable ev_Time : int;
  13. mutable ev_Width : int;
  14. mutable ev_MouseX : int;
  15. mutable ev_MouseY : int;
  16. mutable ev_Char : string;
  17. mutable ev_BorderWidth : int;
  18. mutable ev_SendEvent : bool;
  19. mutable ev_KeySymString : string;
  20. mutable ev_KeySymInt : int;
  21. mutable ev_RootWindow : int;
  22. mutable ev_SubWindow : int;
  23. mutable ev_Type : int;
  24. mutable ev_Widget : Widget.widget;
  25. mutable ev_RootX : int;
  26. mutable ev_RootY : int;
type eventField =
  1. | Ev_Above
  2. | Ev_ButtonNumber
  3. | Ev_Count
  4. | Ev_Detail
  5. | Ev_Focus
  6. | Ev_Height
  7. | Ev_KeyCode
  8. | Ev_Mode
  9. | Ev_OverrideRedirect
  10. | Ev_Place
  11. | Ev_State
  12. | Ev_Time
  13. | Ev_Width
  14. | Ev_MouseX
  15. | Ev_MouseY
  16. | Ev_Char
  17. | Ev_BorderWidth
  18. | Ev_SendEvent
  19. | Ev_KeySymString
  20. | Ev_KeySymInt
  21. | Ev_RootWindow
  22. | Ev_SubWindow
  23. | Ev_Type
  24. | Ev_Widget
  25. | Ev_RootX
  26. | Ev_RootY
val filleventInfo : eventInfo -> string -> eventField -> unit
val wrapeventInfo : (eventInfo -> 'a) -> eventField list -> string list -> 'a
val writeeventField : eventField list -> string
type bindings =
  1. | TagBindings of string
  2. | WidgetBindings of Widget.widget
type font = string
type grabGlobal = bool
type index =
  1. | Number of int
  2. | ActiveElement
  3. | End
  4. | Last
  5. | NoIndex
  6. | Insert
  7. | SelFirst
  8. | SelLast
  9. | At of int
  10. | AtXY of int * int
  11. | AnchorPoint
  12. | Pattern of string
  13. | LineChar of int * int
  14. | Mark of string
  15. | TagFirst of string
  16. | TagLast of string
  17. | Embedded of Widget.widget
type paletteType =
  1. | GrayShades of int
  2. | RGBShades of int * int * int
type textMark = string
type textTag = string
type textModifier =
  1. | CharOffset of int
  2. | LineOffset of int
  3. | LineStart
  4. | LineEnd
  5. | WordStart
  6. | WordEnd
type textIndex =
  1. | TextIndex of index * textModifier list
  2. | TextIndexNone
type anchor =
  1. | Center
  2. | E
  3. | N
  4. | NE
  5. | NW
  6. | S
  7. | SE
  8. | SW
  9. | W
type imageBitmap =
  1. | BitmapImage of string
type imagePhoto =
  1. | PhotoImage of string
type justification =
  1. | Justify_Center
  2. | Justify_Left
  3. | Justify_Right
type orientation =
  1. | Horizontal
  2. | Vertical
type relief =
  1. | Flat
  2. | Groove
  3. | Raised
  4. | Ridge
  5. | Solid
  6. | Sunken
type state =
  1. | Active
  2. | Disabled
  3. | Hidden
  4. | Normal
type colorMode =
  1. | Color
  2. | Gray
  3. | Mono
type arcStyle =
  1. | Arc
  2. | Chord
  3. | PieSlice
type tagOrId =
  1. | Id of int
  2. | Tag of string
type arrowStyle =
  1. | Arrow_Both
  2. | Arrow_First
  3. | Arrow_Last
  4. | Arrow_None
type capStyle =
  1. | Cap_Butt
  2. | Cap_Projecting
  3. | Cap_Round
type joinStyle =
  1. | Join_Bevel
  2. | Join_Miter
  3. | Join_Round
type weight =
  1. | Weight_Bold
  2. | Weight_Normal
type slant =
  1. | Slant_Italic
  2. | Slant_Roman
type visual =
  1. | Best
  2. | BestDepth of int
  3. | ClassVisual of string * int
  4. | DefaultVisual
  5. | WidgetVisual of Widget.widget
type colormap =
  1. | NewColormap
  2. | WidgetColormap of Widget.widget
type selectModeType =
  1. | Browse
  2. | Extended
  3. | Multiple
  4. | Single
type menuType =
  1. | Menu_Menubar
  2. | Menu_Normal
  3. | Menu_Tearoff
type menubuttonDirection =
  1. | Dir_Above
  2. | Dir_Below
  3. | Dir_Left
  4. | Dir_Right
type fillMode =
  1. | Fill_Both
  2. | Fill_None
  3. | Fill_X
  4. | Fill_Y
type side =
  1. | Side_Bottom
  2. | Side_Left
  3. | Side_Right
  4. | Side_Top
type borderMode =
  1. | Ignore
  2. | Inside
  3. | Outside
type alignType =
  1. | Align_Baseline
  2. | Align_Bottom
  3. | Align_Center
  4. | Align_Top
type wrapMode =
  1. | WrapChar
  2. | WrapNone
  3. | WrapWord
type tabType =
  1. | TabCenter of units
  2. | TabLeft of units
  3. | TabNumeric of units
  4. | TabRight of units
type messageIcon =
  1. | Error
  2. | Info
  3. | Question
  4. | Warning
type messageType =
  1. | AbortRetryIgnore
  2. | Ok
  3. | OkCancel
  4. | RetryCancel
  5. | YesNo
  6. | YesNoCancel
type options =
  1. | Accelerator of string
  2. | ActiveBackground of color
  3. | ActiveBorderWidth of units
  4. | ActiveForeground of color
  5. | ActiveRelief of relief
  6. | After of Widget.widget
  7. | Align of alignType
  8. | Anchor of anchor
  9. | ArcStyle of arcStyle
  10. | ArrowShape of units * units * units
  11. | ArrowStyle of arrowStyle
  12. | Aspect of int
  13. | Background of color
  14. | Before of Widget.widget
  15. | BgStipple of bitmap
  16. | BigIncrement of float
  17. | Bitmap of bitmap
  18. | BorderMode of borderMode
  19. | BorderWidth of units
  20. | CapStyle of capStyle
  21. | Class of string
  22. | CloseEnough of float
  23. | Colormap of colormap
  24. | Colormode of colorMode
  25. | Column of int
  26. | ColumnBreak of bool
  27. | ColumnSpan of int
  28. | Command of unit -> unit
  29. | Confine of bool
  30. | Container of bool
  31. | Cursor of cursor
  32. | Dash of string
  33. | Data of string
  34. | Default of state
  35. | DefaultExtension of string
  36. | Digits of int
  37. | Direction of menubuttonDirection
  38. | DisabledForeground of color
  39. | ElementBorderWidth of units
  40. | Expand of bool
  41. | ExportSelection of bool
  42. | Extent of float
  43. | FgStipple of bitmap
  44. | File of string
  45. | FileTypes of filePattern list
  46. | Fill of fillMode
  47. | FillColor of color
  48. | Font of string
  49. | Font_Family of string
  50. | Font_Overstrike of bool
  51. | Font_Size of int
  52. | Font_Slant of slant
  53. | Font_Underline of bool
  54. | Font_Weight of weight
  55. | Foreground of color
  56. | Format of string
  57. | From of float
  58. | Gamma of float
  59. | Geometry of string
  60. | Height of units
  61. | HideMargin of bool
  62. | HighlightBackground of color
  63. | HighlightColor of color
  64. | HighlightThickness of units
  65. | IPadX of units
  66. | IPadY of units
  67. | ImageBitmap of imageBitmap
  68. | ImagePhoto of imagePhoto
  69. | In of Widget.widget
  70. | IndicatorOn of bool
  71. | InitialColor of color
  72. | InitialDir of string
  73. | InitialFile of string
  74. | InsertBackground of color
  75. | InsertBorderWidth of units
  76. | InsertOffTime of int
  77. | InsertOnTime of int
  78. | InsertWidth of units
  79. | JoinStyle of joinStyle
  80. | Jump of bool
  81. | Justify of justification
  82. | LMargin1 of units
  83. | LMargin2 of units
  84. | Label of string
  85. | Length of units
  86. | Maskdata of string
  87. | Maskfile of string
  88. | Menu of Widget.widget
  89. | MenuTitle of string
  90. | MenuType of menuType
  91. | Message of string
  92. | MessageDefault of string
  93. | MessageIcon of messageIcon
  94. | MessageType of messageType
  95. | Minsize of units
  96. | Name of string
  97. | OffValue of string
  98. | Offset of units
  99. | OnValue of string
  100. | Orient of orientation
  101. | Outline of color
  102. | OutlineStipple of bitmap
  103. | OverStrike of bool
  104. | Pad of units
  105. | PadX of units
  106. | PadY of units
  107. | PageAnchor of anchor
  108. | PageHeight of units
  109. | PageWidth of units
  110. | PageX of units
  111. | PageY of units
  112. | Palette of paletteType
  113. | Parent of Widget.widget
  114. | PostCommand of unit -> unit
  115. | RMargin of units
  116. | RelHeight of float
  117. | RelWidth of float
  118. | RelX of float
  119. | RelY of float
  120. | Relief of relief
  121. | RepeatDelay of int
  122. | RepeatInterval of int
  123. | Resolution of float
  124. | Rotate of bool
  125. | Row of int
  126. | RowSpan of int
  127. | ScaleCommand of float -> unit
  128. | Screen of string
  129. | ScrollCommand of scrollValue -> unit
  130. | ScrollRegion of units * units * units * units
  131. | SelectBackground of color
  132. | SelectBorderWidth of units
  133. | SelectColor of color
  134. | SelectForeground of color
  135. | SelectImageBitmap of imageBitmap
  136. | SelectImagePhoto of imagePhoto
  137. | SelectMode of selectModeType
  138. | SetGrid of bool
  139. | Show of char
  140. | ShowValue of bool
  141. | Side of side
  142. | SliderLength of units
  143. | Smooth of bool
  144. | Spacing1 of units
  145. | Spacing2 of units
  146. | Spacing3 of units
  147. | SplineSteps of int
  148. | Start of float
  149. | State of state
  150. | Sticky of string
  151. | Stipple of bitmap
  152. | Stretch of bool
  153. | Tabs of tabType list
  154. | Tags of tagOrId list
  155. | TakeFocus of bool
  156. | TearOff of bool
  157. | TearOffCommand of Widget.widget -> Widget.widget -> unit
  158. | Text of string
  159. | TextHeight of int
  160. | TextVariable of Textvariable.textVariable
  161. | TextWidth of int
  162. | TickInterval of float
  163. | Title of string
  164. | To of float
  165. | TroughColor of color
  166. | Underline of bool
  167. | UnderlinedChar of int
  168. | Use of string
  169. | Value of string
  170. | Variable of Textvariable.textVariable
  171. | Visual of visual
  172. | Weight of int
  173. | Width of units
  174. | Window of Widget.widget
  175. | Wrap of wrapMode
  176. | WrapLength of units
  177. | X of units
  178. | XScrollCommand of float -> float -> unit
  179. | XScrollIncrement of units
  180. | Y of units
  181. | YScrollCommand of float -> float -> unit
  182. | YScrollIncrement of units
type options_constrs =
  1. | CAccelerator
  2. | CActiveBackground
  3. | CActiveBorderWidth
  4. | CActiveForeground
  5. | CActiveRelief
  6. | CAfter
  7. | CAlign
  8. | CAnchor
  9. | CArcStyle
  10. | CArrowShape
  11. | CArrowStyle
  12. | CAspect
  13. | CBackground
  14. | CBefore
  15. | CBgStipple
  16. | CBigIncrement
  17. | CBitmap
  18. | CBorderMode
  19. | CBorderWidth
  20. | CCapStyle
  21. | CClass
  22. | CCloseEnough
  23. | CColormap
  24. | CColormode
  25. | CColumn
  26. | CColumnBreak
  27. | CColumnSpan
  28. | CCommand
  29. | CConfine
  30. | CContainer
  31. | CCursor
  32. | CDash
  33. | CData
  34. | CDefault
  35. | CDefaultExtension
  36. | CDigits
  37. | CDirection
  38. | CDisabledForeground
  39. | CElementBorderWidth
  40. | CExpand
  41. | CExportSelection
  42. | CExtent
  43. | CFgStipple
  44. | CFile
  45. | CFileTypes
  46. | CFill
  47. | CFillColor
  48. | CFont
  49. | CFont_Family
  50. | CFont_Overstrike
  51. | CFont_Size
  52. | CFont_Slant
  53. | CFont_Underline
  54. | CFont_Weight
  55. | CForeground
  56. | CFormat
  57. | CFrom
  58. | CGamma
  59. | CGeometry
  60. | CHeight
  61. | CHideMargin
  62. | CHighlightBackground
  63. | CHighlightColor
  64. | CHighlightThickness
  65. | CIPadX
  66. | CIPadY
  67. | CImageBitmap
  68. | CImagePhoto
  69. | CIn
  70. | CIndicatorOn
  71. | CInitialColor
  72. | CInitialDir
  73. | CInitialFile
  74. | CInsertBackground
  75. | CInsertBorderWidth
  76. | CInsertOffTime
  77. | CInsertOnTime
  78. | CInsertWidth
  79. | CJoinStyle
  80. | CJump
  81. | CJustify
  82. | CLMargin1
  83. | CLMargin2
  84. | CLabel
  85. | CLength
  86. | CMaskdata
  87. | CMaskfile
  88. | CMenu
  89. | CMenuTitle
  90. | CMenuType
  91. | CMessage
  92. | CMessageDefault
  93. | CMessageIcon
  94. | CMessageType
  95. | CMinsize
  96. | CName
  97. | COffValue
  98. | COffset
  99. | COnValue
  100. | COrient
  101. | COutline
  102. | COutlineStipple
  103. | COverStrike
  104. | CPad
  105. | CPadX
  106. | CPadY
  107. | CPageAnchor
  108. | CPageHeight
  109. | CPageWidth
  110. | CPageX
  111. | CPageY
  112. | CPalette
  113. | CParent
  114. | CPostCommand
  115. | CRMargin
  116. | CRelHeight
  117. | CRelWidth
  118. | CRelX
  119. | CRelY
  120. | CRelief
  121. | CRepeatDelay
  122. | CRepeatInterval
  123. | CResolution
  124. | CRotate
  125. | CRow
  126. | CRowSpan
  127. | CScaleCommand
  128. | CScreen
  129. | CScrollCommand
  130. | CScrollRegion
  131. | CSelectBackground
  132. | CSelectBorderWidth
  133. | CSelectColor
  134. | CSelectForeground
  135. | CSelectImageBitmap
  136. | CSelectImagePhoto
  137. | CSelectMode
  138. | CSetGrid
  139. | CShow
  140. | CShowValue
  141. | CSide
  142. | CSliderLength
  143. | CSmooth
  144. | CSpacing1
  145. | CSpacing2
  146. | CSpacing3
  147. | CSplineSteps
  148. | CStart
  149. | CState
  150. | CSticky
  151. | CStipple
  152. | CStretch
  153. | CTabs
  154. | CTags
  155. | CTakeFocus
  156. | CTearOff
  157. | CTearOffCommand
  158. | CText
  159. | CTextHeight
  160. | CTextVariable
  161. | CTextWidth
  162. | CTickInterval
  163. | CTitle
  164. | CTo
  165. | CTroughColor
  166. | CUnderline
  167. | CUnderlinedChar
  168. | CUse
  169. | CValue
  170. | CVariable
  171. | CVisual
  172. | CWeight
  173. | CWidth
  174. | CWindow
  175. | CWrap
  176. | CWrapLength
  177. | CX
  178. | CXScrollCommand
  179. | CXScrollIncrement
  180. | CY
  181. | CYScrollCommand
  182. | CYScrollIncrement
type searchSpec =
  1. | Above of tagOrId
  2. | All
  3. | Below of tagOrId
  4. | Closest of units * units
  5. | ClosestHalo of units * units * units
  6. | ClosestHaloStart of units * units * units * tagOrId
  7. | Enclosed of units * units * units * units
  8. | Overlapping of int * int * int * int
  9. | Withtag of tagOrId
type canvasItem =
  1. | Arc_item
  2. | Bitmap_item
  3. | Image_item
  4. | Line_item
  5. | Oval_item
  6. | Polygon_item
  7. | Rectangle_item
  8. | Text_item
  9. | User_item of string
  10. | Window_item
type icccm =
  1. | DisplayOf of Widget.widget
  2. | ICCCMFormat of string
  3. | ICCCMType of string
  4. | LostCommand of unit -> unit
  5. | Selection of string
type icccm_constrs =
  1. | CDisplayOf
  2. | CICCCMFormat
  3. | CICCCMType
  4. | CLostCommand
  5. | CSelection
type fontMetrics =
  1. | Ascent
  2. | Descent
  3. | Fixed
  4. | Linespace
type grabStatus =
  1. | GrabGlobal
  2. | GrabLocal
  3. | GrabNone
type menuItem =
  1. | Cascade_Item
  2. | Checkbutton_Item
  3. | Command_Item
  4. | Radiobutton_Item
  5. | Separator_Item
  6. | TearOff_Item
type optionPriority =
  1. | Interactive
  2. | Priority of int
  3. | StartupFile
  4. | UserDefault
  5. | WidgetDefault
type tkPalette =
  1. | PaletteActiveBackground of color
  2. | PaletteActiveForeground of color
  3. | PaletteBackground of color
  4. | PaletteDisabledForeground of color
  5. | PaletteForeground of color
  6. | PaletteForegroundselectColor of color
  7. | PaletteHighlightBackground of color
  8. | PaletteHighlightColor of color
  9. | PaletteInsertBackground of color
  10. | PaletteSelectBackground of color
  11. | PaletteSelectColor of color
  12. | PaletteTroughColor of color
type tkPalette_constrs =
  1. | CPaletteActiveBackground
  2. | CPaletteActiveForeground
  3. | CPaletteBackground
  4. | CPaletteDisabledForeground
  5. | CPaletteForeground
  6. | CPaletteForegroundselectColor
  7. | CPaletteHighlightBackground
  8. | CPaletteHighlightColor
  9. | CPaletteInsertBackground
  10. | CPaletteSelectBackground
  11. | CPaletteSelectColor
  12. | CPaletteTroughColor
type photo =
  1. | ImgFormat of string
  2. | ImgFrom of int * int * int * int
  3. | ImgTo of int * int * int * int
  4. | Shrink
  5. | Subsample of int * int
  6. | TopLeft of int * int
  7. | Zoom of int * int
type photo_constrs =
  1. | CImgFormat
  2. | CImgFrom
  3. | CImgTo
  4. | CShrink
  5. | CSubsample
  6. | CTopLeft
  7. | CZoom
type widgetElement =
  1. | Arrow1
  2. | Arrow2
  3. | Beyond
  4. | Slider
  5. | Trough1
  6. | Trough2
type widgetElement_constrs =
  1. | CArrow1
  2. | CArrow2
  3. | CBeyond
  4. | CSlider
  5. | CTrough1
  6. | CTrough2
type sendOption =
  1. | SendAsync
  2. | SendDisplayOf of Widget.widget
type comparison =
  1. | EQ
  2. | GE
  3. | GT
  4. | LE
  5. | LT
  6. | NEQ
type markDirection =
  1. | Mark_Left
  2. | Mark_Right
type textSearch =
  1. | Backwards
  2. | Count of Textvariable.textVariable
  3. | Exact
  4. | Forwards
  5. | Nocase
  6. | Regexp
type text_dump =
  1. | DumpAll
  2. | DumpCommand of string -> string -> string -> unit
  3. | DumpMark
  4. | DumpTag
  5. | DumpText
  6. | DumpWindow
type atomId =
  1. | AtomId of int
type focusModel =
  1. | FocusActive
  2. | FocusPassive
type wmFrom =
  1. | Program
  2. | User
module Tkintf : sig ... end
val pixels : units -> int
type bindAction =
  1. | BindSet of eventField list * eventInfo -> unit
  2. | BindSetBreakable of eventField list * eventInfo -> unit
  3. | BindRemove
  4. | BindExtend of eventField list * eventInfo -> unit
val bind : Widget.widget -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
val bind_class : string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
val bind_tag : string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
val break : unit -> unit
val tag_bind : string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
val class_bind : string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
val messageBox : options list -> string
val getSaveFile : options list -> string
val getOpenFile : options list -> string
val update_idletasks : unit -> unit
val update : unit -> unit
val chooseColor : options list -> color
val scaling_set : ?displayof:Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> float -> unit
val scaling_get : ?displayof:Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> unit -> float
val appname_get : unit -> string
val appname_set : string -> unit
val send : sendOption list -> string -> string list -> unit
val raise_window_above : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> unit
val raise_window : ?above:Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> unit
val place : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> options list -> unit
val pack : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget list -> options list -> unit
val lower_window_below : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> unit
val lower_window : ?below:Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> unit
val grid : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget list -> options list -> unit
val destroy : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> unit
val bindtags_get : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> bindings list
val bindtags : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> bindings list -> unit
val cgets : Camltkwrap.Widget.widget -> string -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.