package lablgtk3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type mark = [
  1. | `INSERT
  2. | `MARK of Gtk.text_mark
  3. | `NAME of string
  4. | `SEL_BOUND
class child_anchor : Gtk.text_child_anchor -> object ... end
val child_anchor : unit -> child_anchor
type tag_property = [
  2. | `BACKGROUND of string
  5. | `BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color
  6. | `BACKGROUND_SET of bool
  7. | `DIRECTION of Gtk.Tags.text_direction
  8. | `EDITABLE of bool
  9. | `EDITABLE_SET of bool
  10. | `FAMILY of string
  11. | `FAMILY_SET of bool
  12. | `FONT of string
  13. | `FONT_DESC of Pango.font_description
  14. | `FOREGROUND of string
  15. | `FOREGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color
  16. | `FOREGROUND_SET of bool
  17. | `INDENT of int
  18. | `INDENT_SET of bool
  19. | `INVISIBLE of bool
  20. | `INVISIBLE_SET of bool
  21. | `JUSTIFICATION of Gtk.Tags.justification
  22. | `JUSTIFICATION_SET of bool
  23. | `LANGUAGE of string
  24. | `LANGUAGE_SET of bool
  25. | `LEFT_MARGIN of int
  26. | `LEFT_MARGIN_SET of bool
  27. | `PARAGRAPH_BACKGROUND of string
  28. | `PARAGRAPH_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color
  30. | `PIXELS_ABOVE_LINES of int
  31. | `PIXELS_ABOVE_LINES_SET of bool
  32. | `PIXELS_BELOW_LINES of int
  33. | `PIXELS_BELOW_LINES_SET of bool
  34. | `PIXELS_INSIDE_WRAP of int
  35. | `PIXELS_INSIDE_WRAP_SET of bool
  36. | `RIGHT_MARGIN of int
  37. | `RIGHT_MARGIN_SET of bool
  38. | `RISE of int
  39. | `RISE_SET of bool
  40. | `SCALE of Pango.Tags.scale
  41. | `SCALE_SET of bool
  42. | `SIZE of int
  43. | `SIZE_POINTS of float
  44. | `SIZE_SET of bool
  45. | `STRETCH of Pango.Tags.stretch
  46. | `STRETCH_SET of bool
  47. | `STRIKETHROUGH of bool
  48. | `STRIKETHROUGH_SET of bool
  49. | `STYLE of
  50. | `STYLE_SET of bool
  51. | `TABS_SET of bool
  52. | `UNDERLINE of Pango.Tags.underline
  53. | `UNDERLINE_SET of bool
  54. | `VARIANT of Pango.Tags.variant
  55. | `VARIANT_SET of bool
  56. | `WEIGHT of Pango.Tags.weight
  57. | `WEIGHT_SET of bool
  58. | `WRAP_MODE of Gtk.Tags.wrap_mode
  59. | `WRAP_MODE_SET of bool
class tag_signals : [> `texttag ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
class tag : Gtk.text_tag -> object ... end
val tag : ?name:string -> unit -> tag
type contents = [
  1. | `CHAR of Glib.unichar
  2. | `CHILD of child_anchor
  3. | `PIXBUF of GdkPixbuf.pixbuf
  4. | `UNKNOWN
class nocopy_iter : Gtk.text_iter -> object ... end
class iter : Gtk.text_iter -> object ... end
val as_iter : iter -> Gtk.text_iter
class tag_table_signals : [> `texttagtable ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
class tag_table_skel : [> `texttagtable ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
class tag_table : [> `texttagtable ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
val tag_table : unit -> tag_table
class type buffer_signals_skel_type = object ... end
class type 'b buffer_signals_type = object ... end
class virtual buffer_signals_skel : object ... end
class buffer_signals : [> `textbuffer ] as 'a Gtk.obj -> buffer_signals_type
exception No_such_mark of string
type position = [
  1. | `END
  2. | `INSERT
  3. | `ITER of iter
  4. | `LINE of int
  5. | `LINEBYTE of int * int
  6. | `LINECHAR of int * int
  7. | `MARK of Gtk.text_mark
  8. | `NAME of string
  9. | `OFFSET of int
  10. | `SEL_BOUND
  11. | `START
class buffer_skel : [> `textbuffer ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
class buffer : [> `textbuffer ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
val buffer : ?tag_table:tag_table -> ?text:string -> unit -> buffer
class view_signals : [> Gtk.text_view ] Gtk.obj -> object ... end
class view_skel : [> Gtk.text_view ] as 'b Gtk.obj -> object ... end
class view : [> Gtk.text_view ] as 'b Gtk.obj -> object ... end
val view : ?buffer:buffer -> ?editable:bool -> ?cursor_visible:bool -> ?justification:Gtk.Tags.justification -> ?wrap_mode:Gtk.Tags.wrap_mode -> ?accepts_tab:bool -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> view