package lablgtk3-extras

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val name_to_keysym : (string * int) list
val string_to_key : string -> [> `CONTROL | `LOCK | `MOD1 | `MOD2 | `MOD3 | `MOD4 | `MOD5 | `SHIFT ] list * int
val key_to_string : ([> `CONTROL | `LOCK | `MOD1 | `MOD2 | `MOD3 | `MOD4 | `MOD5 | `SHIFT ] list * int) -> string
val key_wrapper : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) Ocf.Wrapper.t
val key_option : ?doc:string -> ?cb:((Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> unit) -> (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) Ocf.conf_option
type !'a string_param = {
  1. string_label : string;
  2. mutable string_value : 'a;
  3. string_editable : bool;
  4. string_f_apply : 'a -> unit;
  5. string_help : string option;
  6. string_expand : bool;
  7. string_to_string : 'a -> string;
  8. string_of_string : string -> 'a;
type bool_param = {
  1. bool_label : string;
  2. mutable bool_value : bool;
  3. bool_editable : bool;
  4. bool_f_apply : bool -> unit;
  5. bool_help : string option;
type !'a list_param = {
  1. list_label : string;
  2. mutable list_value : 'a list;
  3. list_columns : (('a -> string) * string option) list;
  4. list_f_edit : ('a -> 'a) option;
  5. list_eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool;
  6. list_color : 'a -> string option;
  7. list_editable : bool;
  8. list_f_add : unit -> 'a list;
  9. list_f_apply : 'a list -> unit;
  10. list_help : string option;
type combo_param = {
  1. combo_label : string;
  2. mutable combo_value : string;
  3. combo_choices : string list;
  4. combo_editable : bool;
  5. combo_new_allowed : bool;
  6. combo_f_apply : string -> unit;
  7. combo_help : string option;
  8. combo_expand : bool;
type custom_param = {
  1. custom_box :;
  2. custom_f_apply : unit -> unit;
  3. custom_expand : bool;
  4. custom_framed : string option;
type color_param = {
  1. color_label : string;
  2. mutable color_value : string;
  3. color_editable : bool;
  4. color_f_apply : string -> unit;
  5. color_help : string option;
  6. color_expand : bool;
type date_param = {
  1. date_label : string;
  2. mutable date_value : int * int * int;
  3. date_editable : bool;
  4. date_f_string : (int * int * int) -> string;
  5. date_f_apply : (int * int * int) -> unit;
  6. date_help : string option;
  7. date_expand : bool;
type font_param = {
  1. font_label : string;
  2. mutable font_value : string;
  3. font_editable : bool;
  4. font_f_apply : string -> unit;
  5. font_help : string option;
  6. font_expand : bool;
type hotkey_param = {
  1. hk_label : string;
  2. mutable hk_value : Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int;
  3. hk_editable : bool;
  4. hk_f_apply : (Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int) -> unit;
  5. hk_help : string option;
  6. hk_expand : bool;
val mk_custom_text_string_param : 'a string_param -> string string_param
type parameter_kind =
  1. | String_param of string string_param
  2. | List_param of unit -> < apply : unit ; box : GObj.widget >
  3. | Filename_param of string string_param
  4. | Bool_param of bool_param
  5. | Text_param of string string_param
  6. | Combo_param of combo_param
  7. | Custom_param of custom_param
  8. | Color_param of color_param
  9. | Date_param of date_param
  10. | Font_param of font_param
  11. | Hotkey_param of hotkey_param
  12. | Html_param of string string_param
type configuration_structure =
  1. | Section of string * parameter_kind list
  2. | Section_list of string * configuration_structure list
type return_button =
  1. | Return_apply
  2. | Return_ok
  3. | Return_cancel
type html_binding = {
  1. mutable html_key : Gdk.Tags.modifier list * int;
  2. mutable html_begin : string;
  3. mutable html_end : string;
val htmlbinding_wrapper : html_binding Ocf.Wrapper.t
val htmlbinding_option : ?doc:string -> ?cb:(html_binding -> unit) -> html_binding -> html_binding Ocf.conf_option

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