package key-parsers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = [
  1. | `RSA of Rsa.Public.t
  2. | `DSA of Dsa.Params.t * Dsa.Public.t
  3. | `EC of Ec.Params.t * Ec.Public.t
  4. | `DH of Dh.Params.t * Dh.Public.t
val compare : t -> t ->
val equal : t -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val bin_size_t : t -> int
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val bin_read_t : Bin_prot.Common.buf -> pos_ref:Bin_prot.Common.pos_ref -> t
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val bin_write_t : Bin_prot.Common.buf -> pos:int -> t -> int
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val bin_shape_t : Bin_prot.Shape.t
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val bin_reader_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.reader0
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val bin_writer_t : t Bin_prot.Type_class.writer0
  • deprecated Bin_prot serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.json
  • deprecated Yojson serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.json -> (t, string) result
  • deprecated Yojson serializers will be removed in key-parsers 1.0.0
val rsa_grammar : Rsa.Public.t Asn.t
val dsa_grammar : (Dsa.Params.t * Dsa.Public.t) Asn.t
val ec_grammar : (Ec.Params.t * Ec.Public.t) Asn.t
val dh_grammar : (Dh.Params.t * Dh.Public.t) Asn.t
val encode : t -> Cstruct.t
val encode_rsa : Rsa.Public.t -> Cstruct.t
val encode_dsa : (Dsa.Params.t * Dsa.Public.t) -> Cstruct.t
val encode_ec : (Ec.Params.t * Ec.Public.t) -> Cstruct.t
val encode_dh : (Dh.Params.t * Dh.Public.t) -> Cstruct.t
val decode : Cstruct.t -> (t, string) Result.result
val decode_rsa : Cstruct.t -> (Rsa.Public.t, string) Result.result
val decode_dsa : Cstruct.t -> (Dsa.Params.t * Dsa.Public.t, string) Result.result
val decode_ec : Cstruct.t -> (Ec.Params.t * Ec.Public.t, string) Result.result
val decode_dh : Cstruct.t -> (Dh.Params.t * Dh.Public.t, string) Result.result

Innovation. Community. Security.