Module type
Class type
A promise of a value to be resolved at some point in the future.
# let promise, resolver = Promise.create () in
let domain = Domain.spawn @@ fun () ->
Printf.printf "Got %d\n%!" (Promise.await promise)
Promise.resolve resolver 42;
Domain.join domain
Got 42
- : unit = ()
type 'a or_exn = ('a, exn) Stdlib.result t
The type of a promise of a result of type ('a, exn) result
create ()
returns a new unresolved pair of a promise and a resolver for the promise.
val create_resolved : 'a -> 'a t
create_resolved x
returns a promise that is already resolved to the given value x
module Xt : sig ... end
Explicit transaction log passing on promises.
val resolve : 'a u -> 'a -> unit
resolve u v
resolves the promise corresponding to the resolver u
to the value v
. Any awaiters of the corresponding promise are then unblocked.
val await : 'a t -> 'a
await t
either immediately returns the resolved value of the promise t
or blocks until the promise t
is resolved.
val peek : 'a t -> 'a option
peek t
immediately returns either the resolved value of the promise t
or None
in case the promise hasn't yet been resolved.
val is_resolved : 'a t -> bool
is_resolved t
determines whether the promise t
has already been resolved.
val await_exn : 'a or_exn -> 'a
await_exn t
is equivalent to match await t with v -> v | exception e -> raise e
val resolve_ok : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result u -> 'a -> unit
resolve_ok u v
is equivalent to resolve u (Ok v)
val resolve_error : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result u -> 'b -> unit
resolve_error u e
is equivalent to resolve u (Error e)