package kappa-library

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Injection from a pattern in the mixture

type t
type matching = t
val empty : t
val debug_print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val get : debug_mode:bool -> (Kappa_site_graphs.Agent.t * int) -> t -> int
val reconstruct_renaming : debug_mode:bool -> Pattern.Env.t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Edges.t -> -> int -> Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t

reconstruct_renaming domain graph cc root

val reconstruct : debug_mode:bool -> Pattern.Env.t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Edges.t -> t -> int -> -> int -> t option

reconstruct domain graph matching_of_previous_cc cc_id_in_rule cc root

val add_cc : t -> int -> Kappa_data_structures.Renaming.t -> t option
val is_root_of : debug_mode:bool -> Pattern.Env.t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Edges.t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Agent.t -> -> bool
val elements_with_types : Pattern.Env.t -> array -> t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Agent.t list array
type cache
val empty_cache : cache

observables_from_free domain graph sort agent the int * int in the return list and the following ones is a Instantiation.concrete

val observables_from_free : debug_mode:bool -> Pattern.Env.t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Edges.t -> ((( * (int * int)) list * Kappa_data_structures.Operator.DepSet.t) * cache) -> Kappa_site_graphs.Agent.t -> int -> (( * (int * int)) list * Kappa_data_structures.Operator.DepSet.t) * cache

observables_from_free domain graph sort agent site

val observables_from_internal : debug_mode:bool -> Pattern.Env.t -> Kappa_site_graphs.Edges.t -> ((( * (int * int)) list * Kappa_data_structures.Operator.DepSet.t) * cache) -> Kappa_site_graphs.Agent.t -> int -> int -> (( * (int * int)) list * Kappa_data_structures.Operator.DepSet.t) * cache

observables_from_internal domain graph sort agent site internal_state

observables_from_link domain graph sort ag site sort' ag' site'

module Agent : sig ... end

An agent in a connected component


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