package js_of_ocaml-lwt
Compiler from OCaml bytecode to Javascript
Dune Dependency
===== 3.3.0 (2018-11-26) - Hong Kong ===== * Features/Changes ** Toplevel: [--toplevel] is now taken account when compilig cmo and cma. ** Lib: make [Js.Unsafe.any] be [ Js.t] ** Lib: Improve generation of dummy stubs (#700) ** Lib: Deprecate non namespaced module access ** Lib: Upgrade to Tyxml 4.3.0 ** Misc: switch to dune ** Misc: remove camlp4 support * Bug fixes: ** Toplevel: Fix dynlink of precompiled javascript files. ** Lib: Fix encoding in Sys.set_channel_flusher (fix #686) ** Runtime: fix the type of dataTransfer##.types ** Runtime: add dummy implementation for caml_restore_raw_backtrace ===== 3.2.1 (2018-07-26) - Bari ===== * Bug fixes: ** Misc: Fix the dependencies of the Lwt logger ** Runtime: fix semantic of bigstring_destroy_stub ===== 3.2.0 (2018-06-10) - Bergen ===== * Features/Changes: ** Runime: improve stacktraces. ** Ppx: ppx uses the OCaml 4.06 ast. ** Misc: support for OCaml 4.07 ** Misc: start leveraging safe-string. ** Lib: add support for Internationalization API. ** Lib: Added media events support. * Bug fixes: ** Runtime: int_of_string accepts leading '+' ** Runtime: fix polymorphic & hash compare on custom non-ocaml values. ** Runtime: fix string encoding when writing to channels. ** Runtime: improve mode js detection wrt filesystem. ===== 3.1.0 (2018-02-15) - Hong Kong ===== * Features/Changes: ** Lib: add missing File.blob constructor (fix #630) ** Runtime: hash support for custom blocks ** Runtime: weak.js loaded by default ** Compiler: compile an OCaml program into a named javascript function (fix #599) ** Misc: move ppx_deriving_json in its own opam package (Rudi Grinberg) ** Compiler: static eval of float negation ** Compiler: improve constant sharing. ** Ppx: add support for writeonly_prop and optdef_prop in object litteral. * Bug fixes: ** Compiler: fix code generation of unary ops (missing space). ** Compiler: fix static eval of conditions (fix #616) ** Compiler: fix code generation for OCaml GPR#1568 ** Runtime: fix bug found using the closure compiler (#644) ===== 3.0.2 (2017-12-01) - Strasbourg ===== * Features/Changes: ** Runtime: support for latest core_kernel * Bug fixes: ** Runtime: fix sys_chdir ** Runtime: fix fs support on windows ** Ppx: fix ppx_deriving_json for ocaml 4.05 ===== 3.0.1 (2017-11-04) - London ===== * Features/Changes: ** Lib: add Jstable.remove (Cedric Cellier) ** Build: use recent version of jbuilder (>= 1.0+beta12) * Bug fixes: ** Runtime: fix Sys.file_exists for the in-memory filesystem. ** Runtime: implement missing primitives: caml_nativeint_bswap, caml_floatarray_*, caml_ba_change_layout ** Runtime: few other bugfixes. ** Compiler: fix compat with OCaml 4.06 ===== 3.0.0 (2017-06-23) - Hong Kong ===== * Features/Changes ** Misc: switch to ppx instead of camlp4 ** Misc: always install deriving_json ** Misc: remove support for async_kernel, bin_prot ** Misc: remove support for ppx_driver ** Misc: split js_of_ocaml in multiple packages ** Misc: switch to jbuilder ** Misc: new pseudo filesystem support with better node support ** Compiler: sourcemap support is now optional ** Compiler: no more strong dep on yojson, b64, menhir, ocamllex ** Compiler: improve separate compilation workflow ** Runtime: add support for weakdef ** Syntaxes: add expect tests ** Syntaxes: switch to ocaml-migrate-parsetree and ppx_tools_versioned ** Lib: Add primitives in [Js.Unsafe] ** Lib: remove keycode module, replaced by Dom_html.Keyboard_code ** Lib: XmlHttpRequest, API change for perform functions. * Bug fixes: ** Runtime: fix many stubs ** Lib: fix many signatures ** Compiler: fix performance of compilation passes (simpl,clean) ** Compiler: fix compat with OCaml 4.06 ** Toplevel: flush channels after execution. ** Toplevel: fix toplevel generation when using -export-unit ===== 2.8.4 (2016-12-21) ===== * Features/Changes ** Compiler: new jsoo_link binary to link multiple javascript files together and merging sourcemaps. ** Toplevel: improve genaration of toplevels, one can now pass a an export file containing units to export. (see jsoo_listunits) ** Lib: Provide a Js_of_ocaml (namespace) module to ease transition with future version of js_of_ocaml * Bug fixes ** Compiler: fix separate compilation when facing empty unit inside a library ** Runtime: fix many javascript stubs ** Syntac: fix ppx deriving json ===== 2.8.3 (2016-11-04) ===== * Features/Changes ** Runtime: complete support for 4.04 * Bug fixes ** Compiler: fix order of javascript files ** Compiler: fix Javascript lexer (newline inside strings) ** Compiler: fix bug in closure generation ** Compiler: fix regression in closure generation (introduced in 2.8) (#531) ** Compiler: fix code generation when static evaluation is disabled ===== 2.8.2 (2016-09-10) ===== * Features/Changes ** Lib: add Dom_html.Keyboard_code & Dom_html.Keyboard_key (Corwin de Boor) ** Misc: update lib and runtime to work better with non browser environment ** Misc: initial support for 4.04 * Bug fixes ** Compiler: fix js output for x - -1 ** Compiler: fix parsing of annotations in the runtime ** Compiler: fix javascript minifier ** Compiler: various fixes for separate compilation. ===== 2.8.1 (2016-07-01) ===== * Features/Changes ** Compiler: reduce memory usage for shortvar ** Lib: Add optional `prefix` arg to ** Ppx: add ppx_driver compatibility * Bug fixes ** Lib: fix Js.object_keys, Js.export ** Lib: Async, do not ignore unhandled exceptions ===== 2.8 (2016-06-16) ===== * Features/Changes ** Compiler: allow dynlink of precompiled javascript file ** Compiler: Improve tailcall optimization ** Compiler: Improve pretty mode ** Compiler: More inlining and static evaluation ** Compiler: Better source map support, to leverage resolve_variable_names in chrome DevTools ** Compiler: preserve as much as possible the initial OCaml variable names ** Lib: synchronize with tyxml 4.0.0 ** Lib: convert string/bigstring to/from typed_array ** Lib: add Tyxml_js.Register API. ** Lib: Support for Core_kernel and Async_kernel (32bit only). ** Lib: Mutation observer. ** Runtime: bigstring, caml_int32_bits_of_float, .. ** Runtime: better nodejs integration * Misc ** Support for OCaml 4.03 ** Toplevel with ppx syntax * Bug fixes ** Compiler: Fix float printing ** Compiler: fix separate compilation ===== 2.7 (2016-01-25) ===== * Features/Changes ** Syntax: ppx_deriving ** Compiler: Add custom_header ability to jsoo generate file (Edgar Aroutiounian) ** Compiler: Bytecode parsing, improved performance ** Lib: add geolocation API (Stéphane Legrand) ** Lib: add Mutation observers API (Stéphane Legrand) ** Lib: add Jstable module (Drup) ** Lib: add WebWorker API (Grégoire Henry) ** Lib: Allow to customize 'in_channel' with specific 'refiller' (Grégoire Henry) ** Lib: Synchronized tyxml 3.6.0 * BugFixes ** Compiler: Fix compilation of the [match with exception] construct ** Compiler: fix compat with the upcoming ocaml 4.03 ** Lib: Tyxml_js, discrepancy between Firefox and Chromium ** Lib: various small fixes ** Runtime: Fix Big_int.square_big_int ** Runtime: graphics, fix draw_image with transparent pixel ** Ppx: fix for merlin ===== 2.6 (2015-07-15) ===== * Features/Changes ** Compiler: Findlib is optional ** Compiler: improvement of sourcemap support (ie: inlinned sourcemap) ** Compiler: Support for separate compilation (compile cm{o,a} -> js) ** Compiler: more inlining ** Syntax: new ppx syntax ** Syntax: js object literal (camlp4 + ppx) ** Runtime: support for Dynlink ** Runtime: Support for upcomming release of Bin_prot, Core_kernel, Async_kernel ** Lib: add requestAnimationFrame ** Lib: complete Js.Math ** Lib: complete xmlHttpRequest * Misc ** Drop support for 3.12 * BugFixes ** Runtime: Fix caml_hash ** Lib: fix tyxml + svg ** Lib: various Api fixes ===== 2.5 (2014-09-30) ===== * Features/Changes ** Compiler: SourceMap improvement ** Compiler: remove registration of unused named value (wrt runtime) ** Compiler: Smarter inlining, Constant sharing, Switch generation ** Lib: Dom binding: *AttributeNS, *AttributeNode*, borderRadius ** Runtime: improve performence of string, array allocation * Misc: enable safestring for OCaml 4.02 * Commandline: switch to Cmdliner. Better -help + manpage * BugFixes ** Compiler: workaround a bug in ocaml 4.02 wrt debug section. ** Compiler: bug when generating minified JavaScript. ** Runtime: fix Obj.tag ** Runtime: fix internalmod wrt ocaml4.02 ===== 2.4.1 (2014-08-28) ===== * BugFixes ** Compiler: restore compatibility with ocaml 4.02 ** Runtime: fix caml_hash, Math.imul may give wrong results (#215) ** Lib: Graphics_js, update text drawing baseline ** Lib: Fix overuse of FormData in XmlHttpRequest (Tomohiro Matsuyama #214) ===== 2.4 (2014-08-08) ===== * Features/Changes ** Runtime: support for num (Ryan Goulden) ** Lib: initial support for Dom_svg ** Lib: introduce Jsonp module ** Lib: introduce JSON object binding ** Lib: introduce DomContentLoaded ** lib: introduce eventSource ** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.toplevel package ** Lib: various improvement: textContent,outerHTML,unload event,css properties ** Lib: complete binding of Js.array ** Lib: change signature of Sys_js.register_autoload ** Lib: sync js_of_ocaml.tyxml with latest tyxml ** Tools: helpers to build toplevel: jsoo_mktop, jsoo_mkcmis * BugFixes ** Compiler: generate js files with default permission, was 0o600 (#182) (Daniel Bünzli) ** Syntax: fix typing of method arguments ** Runtime: fix behaviour of Sys.argv (Tomohiro Matsuyama) ** Runtime: fix caml_js_meth_call ** Compiler: fix assert false when deadcode is off ** Compiler: fix compilation of Js.debugger ===== 2.3 (2014-06-30) ===== * Features/Changes ** Lib: remove deprecated Event_arrow ** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.tyxml ** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.weak (that loads weak.js) and remove predicate joo_weak ** Lib: introduce js_of_ocaml.log (Lwt logger) ** Lib: Dom_html.{range,selection} (Enguerrand Decorne) * BugFixes ** Compiler: fix traduction of Ult binop (#177) ** Compiler: fix the build of compiler.{cmxs,cma} (Stéphane Glondu) ** Compiler: fix traduction of logical shift right ** Runtime: fix marshaling (#176) ** Meta: update predicates (joo_* -> jsoo_*) ** Lib: fix class type Dom_html.optionElement ===== 2.2 (2014-05-15) ===== * Features/Changes ** Runtime: improve blit_string perf ** Compiler: option to warn about unused js variable ** Lib: audio/videoElement * BugFixes ** Syntax: catch exception in syntax extension (#158) ** Compiler: compat with Node.js (global object) (#160) ** Runtime: fix graphics.js ** Lib: fix Dom.event interface ===== 2.1 (2014-04-28) ===== * Features/Changes ** Runtime: bigarray comparison ** Compiler: allow to embed directory with -file dir_name=ext1,ext2:dest_path ** Compiler: can now output embedded files in a differant js file ** Lib: ** Lib: Js.Unsafe.expr to embed JavasScript expression to be used instead of Js.Unsafe.variable (or eval_string) ** Lib: Sys_js.js_of_ocaml_version && Sys_js.file_content ** OCamlbuild plugin: Add the OASIS support, document the API and add the tags sourcemap (included in the meta-tag debug) and tailcall (#148) (by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) * BugFixes ** Syntax: Better type constraint (#84) ** Compiler: caml_failwith primitive was sometime missing (#147) ** Compiler: variable names used outside a program were not marked as reserved (#146) ** Lib: fix WebGl interface ===== 2.0 (2014-04-11) ===== * Features/Changes ** Compiler: generate shorter variable names ** Parsing and minifying of external javascript file (ie: runtime) (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: JavaScript strict mode enabled ** Runtime: add support for recursive module (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: use trampoline to implement tailcall optim (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Improved OCaml toplevel UI (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Toplevel: support dynamic loading of cmo and cma files ** Runtime: add Bigarray support (contributed by Andrew Ray) ** Library: switch from "float Js.t" to just "float" for typing JavaScript numbers ** Compiler: Add javascript file lookup using findlib (+mypkg/myfile.js will read myfile.js from mypkg findlib directory) (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: improve missing primitives & reserved name detection (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: static evaluation of constant ("staticeval" optimisation) (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: share constants (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: alias primitives (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: complete javacript ast (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: 'caml_format_int %d x' compiles to ""+x (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Add JavaScript file in META (to be used with ocamlfind) (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Add Ocamlbuild plugin js_of_ocaml.ocamlbuild (by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix) ** Add/Install classlist.js, weak.js ** Add Url.Current.protocol (by Vicent Balat) ** Dependency: deriving instead of deriving-ocsigen ** Runtime: log wrong string encoding issues to the console (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Add compiler_libs (by Pierre Chambart) ** Compile syntax extension to native code as well (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Add a JavaScript parser (extracted from facebook/pfff) ** Compiler: remove redundant 'var' (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: improve compact mode, remove unnecessary space, semicolon ** Runtime: Support in_channel and out_channel (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: option to embed files into the generated js such files can be read using open_in (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Runtime: add cache for method lookup (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Compiler: experimental sourcemap support (by Hugo Heuzard) ** JavaScript Errors are now wrapped inside OCaml exceptions (by Hugo Heuzard) * BugFixes ** Compiler: js file is not create in case of error (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Fix compatibility when using type covn (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Fix md5 : incorrect for string where (length % 64) E 56..59 (by Grégoire Henry) ** Fix caml_js_new: when called with more than 8 arguments ** Address a number of integer overflow issues (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Fix float comparisons (NaN was not compared correctly) ===== 1.4 (2013-12-03) ===== * Features/Changes ** Add missing primitives for OCaml 4.01 ** Improved Dom bindings (Hugo Heuzard and many other contributors) ** Add -linkall option to keep all provided primitives (Pierre Chambard) ** Improved tail-call optimization (Hugo Heuzard) ** Added optimization levels: -o {1,2,3} (Hugo Heuzard) * Bugfixes ** Fixed some incorrect Dom bindings ** Fixed hypot primitive (Pierre Chambard) ** Fixed tail call optimization bug (some incorrect code was generated when the number of arguments did not match the number of function parameters) ** Fixed a bug with empty strings ** Fixed weak.js (primitives for Weak module) ===== 1.3 (2012-11-28) ===== * Features/Changes ** Runtime and toplevel updates to support OCaml 4.0 ** Add WebSocket bindings ** Added -debuginfo option to output source code location information (patch by Kensuke Matsuzaki) ** Dom_html: added change, input and hashChange event bindings ** Adding Lwt_js_events.async_loop and buffered_loop * Bugfixes ** Fix array and string blitting with overlapping regions ** Url module: fix encoding of '+' ** Library: use 'this' instead of 'window' for better portability ** Dom_html: fix creation of elements with type or name attribute under IE 9 ** Compiler: small fix to bytecode parsing that could result in incorrect generated code ** Dom_html: fix mouse wheel event bindings ** Dom: fix the type of item methods ** Deriving_json: tail-recursive serialisation of lists (by Hugo Heuzard) ** Deriving_json: fix parsing of float arrays and polymorphic variants (by Hugo Heuzard) ===== 1.2 (2012-06-02) ===== * Bugfixes ** Fix #284 ** Fix return type of window##open_ * Features/Changes ** Improvements in the data-flow solver ** Add Dom_html.window##onscroll ** Dom_events.listen: handler should return boolean ** Add DOM drag/drop events ===== 1.1.1 (2012-03-15) ===== * Bugfixes: ** Url parsing. ** webgl binding types * webgl example ===== 1.1 (2012-02-24) ===== * Libraries: ** Lots of new dom bindings ** WebGL ** Typed arrays ** Many speed improvement (marshal, strings, regexps) ** Many bug fixed * Compiler: ** Add -I option to select directories containing cmi files ** Fix compilation of mutually recursive functions occurring in loops ** In Javascript output, parenthesize numbers when followed by a dot ** Fix order of evaluation bug ** Fix compilation of loops in 'try ... with' body (close #263) * hyperbolic tree example ===== 1.0.9 (2011-11-30) ===== * Bugfixe in polymorphic comparison. ===== 1.0.8 (2011-11-25) ===== * Compatibility with deriving-0.3 * Libraries: ** Adding Event_arrows.iter ** Events: adding Dom_html.stopPropagation and ?propagate parameter in Event_arrows ===== 1.0.7 (2011-11-18) ===== * Bugfixes: ** Deriving_json: fix string (un)marshaling (was broken for byte > 127) ** Do not emit string escape sequence \\v (not supported by IE8) ** Removed incorrect optimization of !(x < y) into (x >= y) ** Allow compilation on win32/msvc ** Open all files in binary mode * Libraries: ** Add Dom_html.buttonPressed ** Add functions to downcast Dom_html.event into mouseEvent, keyboardEvent, ... ** Add Dom.document.adoptNode ** removed function, not supported by all browsers ** Allow to test the button associated to a Dom_html.mouseEvent ** Add localStorage and sessionStorage api ===== 1.0.6 (2011-09-28) ===== * Bugfixes: ** browser compatility for and check_headers (XmlHttpRequest.send). * Libraries: ** add Dom_html.iFrameEliom##width ** add Dom_html.window##scroll ** add Dom.document##importNode ===== 1.0.5 (2011-09-21) ===== * Bugfixes: ** array_get/set bound check * Libraries: ** XmlHttpRequest: allow to cancel ta XHR after receiving the HTTP headers ** Added the [CSS.Angle] module to handle angles in CSS ===== 1.0.4 (2011-09-07) ===== * Bugfixes: ** fix typo in 'greater than or equal to' ** marshaling, unmarshaling and comparison are not recursive anymore: avoid stack overflow ** use custom formatter to pretty print Javascript code to avoid newlines where it is forbidden. ** fix type of Dom.nodeList.item (was optdef, is now opt) ** fixes for internet explorer. ** fixes for bug exposed by Berke Durak's tool jsure. * Libraries: ** History API ** improvements of CSS module ** Add coercion and attribute manipulation functions in Dom module ===== 1.0.3 (2011-07-13) ===== * Bugfixes: ** 'caml_int_of_string' was incorrect for negative number ** Fixed misparenthesized Javascript 'new' expressions * Libraries: ** Add a CSS module ** export Form.form_elements ** add onsubmit method to Dom_html.formElement ** add classList property to dom elements ===== 1.0.2 (2011-04-13) ===== * Bugfixes: ** fix compilation of Int32/Nativeint ** fix compilation of self-recursive functions in loops ** fix to File module for when there is no FileReader class in the host browser ** fixed big in weak support * Compiler: ** Switch licence to LGPL ** API to generate a function instead of a standalone program ** option to compile an OCaml toplevel * Libraries: ** Add an optional JSON deriving class ** Add Math.random binding ** Add scrollWidth/scrollHeight element methods to the DOM ** Add coercion function Dom_html.CoerceTo.element ** Renaming functions in XmlHttpRequest: *** send -> perform *** send_string -> perform_raw_url ===== 1.0.1 (2011-01-26) ===== * Bugfixes: ** conversion of Int64 to string. ** typos. * Allow use of Lwt.pause. * Split ocamlfind packages in two: syntax and library. ===== 1.0 (2010-12-13) ===== Initial release
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"