package js_of_ocaml-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Annot : sig ... end
type t =
  1. | T_WITH of Parse_info.t
  2. | T_WHILE of Parse_info.t
  3. | T_VOID of Parse_info.t
  4. | T_VIRTUAL_SEMICOLON of Parse_info.t
  5. | T_VAR of Parse_info.t
  6. | T_TYPEOF of Parse_info.t
  7. | T_TRY of Parse_info.t
  8. | T_TRUE of Parse_info.t
  9. | T_THROW of Parse_info.t
  10. | T_THIS of Parse_info.t
  11. | T_SWITCH of Parse_info.t
  12. | T_STRING of string * Parse_info.t * int
  13. | T_STRICT_NOT_EQUAL of Parse_info.t
  14. | T_STRICT_EQUAL of Parse_info.t
  15. | T_SEMICOLON of Parse_info.t
  16. | T_RSHIFT_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  17. | T_RSHIFT3_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  18. | T_RSHIFT3 of Parse_info.t
  19. | T_RSHIFT of Parse_info.t
  20. | T_RPAREN of Parse_info.t
  21. | T_RETURN of Parse_info.t
  22. | T_REGEX of string * Parse_info.t
  23. | T_RCURLY of Parse_info.t
  24. | T_RBRACKET of Parse_info.t
  25. | T_PLUS_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  26. | T_PLUS of Parse_info.t
  27. | T_PLING of Parse_info.t
  28. | T_PERIOD of Parse_info.t
  29. | T_OR of Parse_info.t
  30. | T_NUMBER of string * Parse_info.t
  31. | T_NULL of Parse_info.t
  32. | T_NOT_EQUAL of Parse_info.t
  33. | T_NOT of Parse_info.t
  34. | T_SPREAD of Parse_info.t
  35. | T_NEW of Parse_info.t
  36. | T_MULT_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  37. | T_MULT of Parse_info.t
  38. | T_MOD_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  39. | T_MOD of Parse_info.t
  40. | T_MINUS_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  41. | T_MINUS of Parse_info.t
  42. | T_LSHIFT_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  43. | T_LSHIFT of Parse_info.t
  44. | T_LPAREN of Parse_info.t
  45. | T_LESS_THAN_EQUAL of Parse_info.t
  46. | T_LESS_THAN of Parse_info.t
  47. | T_LCURLY of Parse_info.t
  48. | T_LBRACKET of Parse_info.t
  49. | T_INSTANCEOF of Parse_info.t
  50. | T_INCR_NB of Parse_info.t
  51. | T_INCR of Parse_info.t
  52. | T_IN of Parse_info.t
  53. | T_IF of Parse_info.t
  54. | T_IDENTIFIER of string * Parse_info.t
  55. | T_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL of Parse_info.t
  56. | T_GREATER_THAN of Parse_info.t
  57. | T_FUNCTION of Parse_info.t
  58. | T_FOR of Parse_info.t
  59. | T_FINALLY of Parse_info.t
  60. | T_FALSE of Parse_info.t
  61. | T_EQUAL of Parse_info.t
  62. | T_ELSE of Parse_info.t
  63. | T_DO of Parse_info.t
  64. | T_DIV_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  65. | T_DIV of Parse_info.t
  66. | T_DELETE of Parse_info.t
  67. | T_DEFAULT of Parse_info.t
  68. | T_DECR_NB of Parse_info.t
  69. | T_DECR of Parse_info.t
  70. | T_CONTINUE of Parse_info.t
  71. | T_COMMA of Parse_info.t
  72. | T_COLON of Parse_info.t
  73. | T_CATCH of Parse_info.t
  74. | T_CASE of Parse_info.t
  75. | T_BREAK of Parse_info.t
  76. | T_BIT_XOR_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  77. | T_BIT_XOR of Parse_info.t
  78. | T_BIT_OR_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  79. | T_BIT_OR of Parse_info.t
  80. | T_BIT_NOT of Parse_info.t
  81. | T_BIT_AND_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  82. | T_BIT_AND of Parse_info.t
  83. | T_ASSIGN of Parse_info.t
  84. | T_AND of Parse_info.t
  85. | T_DEBUGGER of Parse_info.t
  86. | TUnknown of string * Parse_info.t
  87. | TComment of string * Parse_info.t
  88. | TCommentLineDirective of string * Parse_info.t
  89. | TAnnot of Annot.t
  90. | EOF of Parse_info.t
type token = t
val info : t -> Parse_info.t
val to_string : t -> string
val to_string_extra : t -> string

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