package jenga

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

process ?ignore_stderr ~dir ~prog ~args constructs an action, that when run causes a new process to be created to run prog, passing args, in dir. The process fails if its exit code is not zero, or if print things on stderr (unless ~ignore_stderr:true is passed). The process is not sandboxed by default.

val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val process : ?ignore_stderr:bool -> ?sandbox:Sandbox.t -> dir:Path.t -> prog:string -> args:string list -> unit -> t

process ?ignore_stderr ~dir ~prog ~args constructs an action, that when run causes a new process to be created to run prog, passing args, in dir. The process fails if its exit code is not zero, or if print things on stderr (unless ~ignore_stderr:true is passed). The process is not sandboxed by default.

val save : ?chmod_x:unit -> string -> target:Path.t -> t

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