package irmin-unix

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  1. Unix backends
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Unix backends

This module provides Irmin backends for Unix applications. The currently supported backends are:

  • An in-memory store, internally using hash tables.
  • A file-system backend, using bin_prot to serialize internal structures.
  • A fully compatible, bidirectional encoding of Irmin into Git. You can view and edit your store using both the library and your usual Git tools.
  • The HTTP clients and servers provides a high-level REST API, with 1 RTT for the private and public functions.
val info : ?author:string -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, Irmin.Info.f) format4 -> 'a

info fmt () creates a fresh commit info, with the date set to Unix.gettimeoday () and the author built using Unix.gethostname() and Unix.getpid() if author is not provided.

module FS : sig ... end

File system backends, using bin_prot.

module Git : sig ... end

Bidirectional Git backends.

module Http : sig ... end

REST (over HTTP) backend..

val set_listen_dir_hook : unit -> unit

Install Irmin_watcher.hook as the listen hook for watching changes in directories.


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