package irmin-pack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Io : sig ... end
module Control : sig ... end
module Dict : sig ... end
module Suffix : sig ... end
module Index : sig ... end
val control : t -> Control.t
val dict : t -> Dict.t
val suffix : t -> Suffix.t
val index : t -> Index.t
val create_rw : overwrite:bool -> Irmin.Backend.Conf.t -> (t, [> `File_exists of string | `Index_failure of string | `Invalid_parent_directory | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `No_such_file_or_directory | `Not_a_directory of string | `Not_a_file | `Ro_not_allowed | `Write_on_closed ]) result
val open_rw : Irmin.Backend.Conf.t -> (t, [> `Corrupted_control_file | `Double_close | `File_exists of string | `Index_failure of string | `Invalid_argument | `Invalid_layout | `Io_misc of Control.Io.misc_error | `Migration_needed | `No_such_file_or_directory | `Not_a_directory of string | `Not_a_file | `Read_on_closed | `Read_out_of_bounds | `Ro_not_allowed | `Sys_error of string | `Unknown_major_pack_version of string | `V3_store_from_the_future | `Write_on_closed ]) result
val open_ro : Irmin.Backend.Conf.t -> (t, [> `Corrupted_control_file | `File_exists of string | `Index_failure of string | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `Migration_needed | `No_such_file_or_directory | `Not_a_file | `Read_on_closed | `Unknown_major_pack_version of string | `V3_store_from_the_future ]) result
val close : t -> (unit, [> `Double_close | `Index_failure of string | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `Pending_flush ]) result
val flush : t -> (unit, [> `Index_failure of string | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `Ro_not_allowed | `Write_on_closed ]) result
val reload : t -> (unit, [> `Corrupted_control_file | `Index_failure of string | `Invalid_argument | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `Read_on_closed | `Read_out_of_bounds | `Rw_not_allowed | `Unknown_major_pack_version of string ]) result
val register_dict_consumer : t -> after_reload:(unit -> (unit, Io.read_error) result) -> unit
val register_suffix_consumer : t -> after_flush:(unit -> unit) -> unit
val version : root:string -> (Irmin_pack.Version.t, [> `Corrupted_control_file | `Corrupted_legacy_file | `Invalid_layout | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `No_such_file_or_directory | `Not_a_directory of string | `Unknown_major_pack_version of string ]) result

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