package irmin-pack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type location =
  1. | Staging

    Found in the store's write buffer.

  2. | Lru

    Found in the store's LRU of recent find results.

  3. | Pack_direct

    Decoded directly from the pack file (via a direct key).

  4. | Pack_indexed

    Binding recovered from the pack file after first checking the index for its offset and length (via an indexed key).

  5. | Not_found

    Find returned None.

val location_t : location Irmin.Type.t
type t = {
  1. mutable total : int;
  2. mutable from_staging : int;
  3. mutable from_lru : int;
  4. mutable from_pack_direct : int;
  5. mutable from_pack_indexed : int;
val t : t Irmin.Type.t
val cache_misses : t -> int