sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
On This Page
Base functions on keys.
Signature for reference IDs (i.e. branch names).
include Irmin.Hum.S with type t = key
include Tc.S0 with type t = key
type t = key
val compare : t
val to_json : t Tc.to_json
The REST inteface.
val of_json : t Tc.of_json
val size_of : t Tc.size_of
The serialization format.
val to_hum : t -> string
Display a value using its human readable representation.
val of_hum : string -> t
Convert a human readable representation of a value into its abstract value.
val master : t
The name of the master branch.
val is_valid : t -> bool
Check if the branch ID is valid.