package irmin-git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Git backend

module Metadata : Irmin.Metadata.S with type t = [ `Normal | `Exec | `Link | `Everybody ]
val config : ?config:Irmin.config -> ?head:Git.Reference.t -> ?bare:bool -> ?level:int -> ?dot_git:string -> string -> Irmin.config
val bare : bool Irmin.Private.Conf.key
val level : int option Irmin.Private.Conf.key
val dot_git : string option Irmin.Private.Conf.key
module Content_addressable (G : Git.S) (V : Irmin.Type.S) : Irmin.CONTENT_ADDRESSABLE_STORE with type 'a t = bool ref * G.t and type key = G.Hash.t and type value = V.t
module type G = sig ... end
module Mem : G with type Hash.t = Digestif.SHA1.t

In-memory Git store.

module type S = sig ... end

The Git backend specializes a few types:

module type S_MAKER = functor (G : G) -> functor (S : Git.Sync.S with module Store := G) -> functor (C : Irmin.Contents.S) -> functor (P : Irmin.Path.S) -> functor (B : Irmin.Branch.S) -> S with type key = P.t and type step = P.step and module Key = P and type contents = C.t and type branch = B.t and module Git = G and type Private.Sync.endpoint = S.Endpoint.t

The Git backend specializes a few types:

module type KV_MAKER = functor (G : G) -> functor (S : Git.Sync.S with module Store := G) -> functor (C : Irmin.Contents.S) -> S with type key = string list and type step = string and type contents = C.t and type branch = string and module Git = G and type Private.Sync.endpoint = S.Endpoint.t

The Git backend specializes a few types:

type reference = [
  1. | `Branch of string
  2. | `Remote of string
  3. | `Tag of string
  4. | `Other of string
module type REF_MAKER = functor (G : G) -> functor (S : Git.Sync.S with module Store := G) -> functor (C : Irmin.Contents.S) -> S with type key = string list and type step = string and type contents = C.t and type branch = reference and module Git = G and type Private.Sync.endpoint = S.Endpoint.t

The Git backend specializes a few types:

module Make : S_MAKER

The Git backend specializes a few types:

module Ref : REF_MAKER

The Git backend specializes a few types:

module KV : KV_MAKER

The Git backend specializes a few types:

module type BRANCH = sig ... end
module Reference : BRANCH with type t = reference
module Make_ext (G : G) (S : Git.Sync.S with module Store := G) (C : Irmin.Contents.S) (P : Irmin.Path.S) (B : BRANCH) : S with type key = P.t and type step = P.step and module Key = P and type contents = C.t and type branch = B.t

The Git backend specializes a few types:


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