package irmin-fs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Node is the underlying node store.

Content-addressable stores

Content-addressable stores are store where it is possible to read and add new values. Keys are derived from the values raw contents and hence are deterministic.

type 'a t

The type for content-addressable backend stores. The 'a phantom type carries information about the store mutability.

type key = Val.hash

The type for keys.

type value

The type for raw values.

val mem : [> `Read ] t -> key -> bool Lwt.t

mem t k is true iff k is present in t.

val find : [> `Read ] t -> key -> value option Lwt.t

find t k is Some v if k is associated to v in t and None is k is not present in t.

val add : [> `Write ] t -> value -> key Lwt.t

Write the contents of a value to the store. It's the responsibility of the content-addressable store to generate a consistent key.

val unsafe_add : [> `Write ] t -> key -> value -> unit Lwt.t

Same as add but allows to specify the key directly. The backend might choose to discared that key and/or can be corrupt if the key scheme is not consistent.

module Path : sig ... end

Path provides base functions on node paths.

val merge : [ `Read | `Write ] t -> key option Irmin.Merge.t

merge is the 3-way merge function for nodes keys.

module Key : sig ... end

Key provides base functions for node keys.

module Metadata : sig ... end

Metadata provides base functions for node metadata.

module Val : sig ... end

Val provides base functions for node values.

module Contents : sig ... end

Contents is the underlying contents store.


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