package irc-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

IRC message parsing.

type t = {
  1. prefix : string option;
  2. command : string;
  3. params : string list;
  4. trail : string option;

A type representing an IRC message.

type parse_result =
  1. | Message of t

    A successfully-parsed message.

  2. | Parse_error of string * string

    A parse failure, containing the original data and an error message .


A type representing an attempt to parse a string into an IRC message.

val extract_prefix : string -> string option * string

Exposed for testing - not intended for use.

val extract_trail : string -> string * string option

Exposed for testing - not intended for use.

val extract_command_and_params : string -> string * string list

Exposed for testing - not intended for use.

val parse : string -> parse_result

Attempt to parse an IRC message.


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