package irc-client-lwt-ssl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Config : sig ... end
include Irc_client.CLIENT with type 'a Io.t = 'a Lwt.t and type Io.inet_addr = Lwt_unix.inet_addr and type Io.config = Config.t
module Io : sig ... end
type connection_t
val send : connection:connection_t -> Irc_message.t -> unit Io.t
val send_join : connection:connection_t -> channel:string -> unit Io.t
val send_nick : connection:connection_t -> nick:string -> unit Io.t
val send_pass : connection:connection_t -> password:string -> unit Io.t
val send_pong : connection:connection_t -> message1:string -> message2:string -> unit Io.t
val send_privmsg : connection:connection_t -> target:string -> message:string -> unit Io.t
val send_notice : connection:connection_t -> target:string -> message:string -> unit Io.t
val send_quit : ?msg:string -> connection:connection_t -> unit -> unit Io.t
val send_user : connection:connection_t -> username:string -> mode:int -> realname:string -> unit Io.t
val connect : ?username:string -> ?mode:int -> ?realname:string -> ?password:string -> ?sasl:bool -> ?config:Io.config -> addr:Io.inet_addr -> port:int -> nick:string -> unit -> connection_t Io.t
val connect_by_name : ?username:string -> ?mode:int -> ?realname:string -> ?password:string -> ?sasl:bool -> ?config:Io.config -> server:string -> port:int -> nick:string -> unit -> connection_t option Io.t
type keepalive = {
  1. mode : [ `Active | `Passive ];
  2. timeout : int;
val default_keepalive : keepalive
val listen : ?keepalive:keepalive -> connection:connection_t -> callback:(connection_t -> Irc_message.parse_result -> unit Io.t) -> unit -> unit Io.t
val reconnect_loop : ?keepalive:keepalive -> ?reconnect:bool -> after:int -> connect:(unit -> connection_t option Io.t) -> f:(connection_t -> unit Io.t) -> callback:(connection_t -> Irc_message.parse_result -> unit Io.t) -> unit -> unit Io.t

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