Module type
Class type
Interval operations. Locally open this module — using e.g. I.(...)
— to redefine classical arithmetic operators for interval arithmetic.
val zero : t
Neutral element for addition.
val one : t
Neutral element for multiplication.
val pi : t
π with bounds properly rounded.
val two_pi : t
2π with bounds properly rounded.
val e : t
(Euler's constant) with bounds properly rounded.
val v : float -> float -> t
v a b
returns {low=a; high=b}
. BEWARE that, unless you take care, if you use v a b
with literal values for a
and/or b
, the resulting interval may not contain these values because the compiler will round them to binary numbers before passing them to v
val of_int : int -> t
Returns the interval containing the float conversion of an integer.
to_string i
return a string representation of the interval i
val pr : out_channel -> t -> unit
Print the interval to the channel. To be used with Printf
format "%a".
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Print the interval to the formatter. To be used with Format
format "%a".
fmt float_fmt
returns a format to print intervals where each component is printed with float_fmt
Example: Printf.printf ("%s = " ^^ fmt "%.10f" ^^ "\n") name i
val compare_f : t -> float -> int
compare_f a x
if a.high < x
if a.low
≤ x
≤ a.high
, i.e., if x
∈ a
, and-1
if x < a.low
.size a
returns an interval containing the true length of the interval a.high - a.low
val size_high : t -> float
size_high a
returns the length of the interval a.high - a.low
rounded up.
val size_low : t -> float
size_low a
returns the length of the interval a.high - a.low
rounded down.
sgn a
returns the sign of each bound, i.e., {low=float (compare a.low 0.); high=float (compare a.high 0.)}
truncate a
returns the integer interval containing a
, that is {low=floor a.low; high=ceil a.high}
abs a
returns the absolute value of the interval, that is
if a.low
≥ 0.
,~- a
if a.high
≤ 0.
, and{low=0.; high=max (-a.low) a.high}
otherwise.hull a b
returns the smallest interval containing a
and b
, that is {low=min a.low b.low; high=max a.high b.high}
max a b
returns the "maximum" of the intervals a
and b
, that is {low=max a.low b.low; high=max a.high b.high}
min a b
returns the "minimum" of the intervals a
and b
, that is {low=min a.low b.low;high=min a.high b.high}
a - b
returns {low = a.low -. b.high; high = a.high -. b.low}
properly rounded.
a * b
multiplies a
by b
according to interval arithmetic and returns the proper result. If a=zero
or b=zero
then zero
is returned.
x *. a
multiplies a
by x
according to interval arithmetic and returns the proper result. If x=0.
then zero
is returned.
a *. x
multiplies a
by x
according to interval arithmetic and returns the proper result. If x=0.
then zero
is returned.
a / b
divides the first interval by the second according to interval arithmetic and returns the proper result. Raise Interval.Division_by_zero
if b=
a /. x
divides a
by x
according to interval arithmetic and returns the proper result. Raise Interval.Division_by_zero
if x=0.0
x /: a
divides x
by a
according to interval arithmetic and returns the result. Raise Interval.Division_by_zero
if a=
mod_f a f
returns a
mod f
according to interval arithmetic and OCaml mod_float
definition. Raise Interval.Division_by_zero
if f=0.0
sqrt x
{low=sqrt x.low; high=sqrt x.high}
(properly rounded) if x.low
≥ 0.
,{low=0.; high=sqrt x.high}
if x.low
< 0 ≤ x.high
.pow_i a n
returns interval a
raised to n
th power according to interval arithmetic. If n=0
then one
is returned. Computed with exp-log in base2.
a **. f
returns interval a
raised to f
power according to interval arithmetic. If f=0.
then one
is returned. Computed with exp-log in base2.
x **: a
returns float x
raised to interval a
power according to interval arithmetic, considering the restiction of x
to x >= 0.
a *** b
returns interval a
raised to b
power according to interval arithmetic, considering the restriction of "x power y" to x >= 0.
log a
returns, properly rounded,
{low=log a.low; high=log a.high}
if a.low>0.
, and{low=neg_infinity; high=log a.high}
if a.low<0<=a.high
.Raise Domain_error
if a.high
≤ 0.
cos a
returns the proper extension of cos to interval arithmetic. Returns [-1,1] if one of the bounds is greater or lower than ±2⁵³.
sin a
returns the proper extension of sin to interval arithmetic. Returns [-1,1] if one of the bounds is greater or lower than ±2⁵³.
tan a
returns the proper extension of tan to interval arithmetic. Returns [-∞,∞] if one of the bounds is greater or lower than ±2⁵³.
acos a
returns {low=(if a.high<1. then acos a.high else 0);
high=(if a.low>-1. then acos a.low else pi)}
. All values are in [0,π].
asin a
returns {low=(if a.low > -1. then asin a.low else -pi/2);
high=(if a.low < 1. then asin a.high else pi/2)}
. All values are in [-π/2,π/2].
atan2mod y x
returns the proper extension of interval arithmetic to atan2
but with values in [-π, 2π] instead of [-π, π]. This can happen when y.low < 0
and y.high > 0
and x.high < 0
: then the returned interval is {low=atan2 y.high x.high;
high=(atan2 y.low x.high)+2 pi}
. This preserves the best inclusion function possible but is not compatible with the standard definition of atan2
Same function as above but when y.low < 0
and y.high > 0
and x.high < 0
the returned interval is [-π, π]. This does not preserve the best inclusion function but is compatible with the atan2
regular definition.
module U : sig ... end
Module undoing the redeclaration of usual infix operators +
, +.
, etc. in case it is needed locally, while this module is open.
module Arr : sig ... end
Operations on arrays of intervals.