package incr_dom_widgets

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Css : sig ... end
module Grouped_help_text : sig ... end

A Grouped_help_text.t is similar to a Help_text.t, but allows the user to organize the commands into groups.

module Help_text : sig ... end

A Help_text.t represents the documentation for a collection of commands. It can be displayed as a Vdom node.

module Mesa_cell : sig ... end
module Mesa_column : sig ... end
module Mesa : sig ... end

Mesa provides an easy way of creating functional web tables. The user supplies a row type and "actions" to be run on those rows (along with some other funtionality) and the user gets back a table capable of:

module Keyboard_event : sig ... end
module Keyboard_event_handler : sig ... end

A Keyboard_event_handler.t is a collections of actions (commands and disabled keys) that can be used to handle keyboard events and to produce help text.

module Keystroke : sig ... end
module Form : sig ... end
module Partial_render_list : sig ... end
module Row_node_spec : sig ... end
module Table : sig ... end
module Table_id : sig ... end
module Table_intf : sig ... end
module Util : sig ... end
module Variable_keyboard_event_handler : sig ... end

A Variable_keyboard_event_handler.t provides a way of representing a keyboard event handler that contains both a (possibly empty) constant set of actions and a variable set of actions that depends on some 'env variable. In order to handle keyboard events or produce help text, it must first be converted to a Keyboard_event_handler.t using the function to_const_handler.


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