package incr_dom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ('model, 'action, 'state) t
val create : initial_model:'model -> sexp_of_model:('model -> Core_kernel.Sexp.t) -> initial_state:'state -> (module Incr_dom.App_intf.S with type Action.t = 'action and type Model.t = 'model and type State.t = 'state) -> ('model, 'action, 'state) t
val model_var : ('model, _, _) t -> 'model Incr_dom_testing__.Import.Incr.Var.t
val view_incr : (_, _, _) t -> Incr_dom_testing__.Import.Vdom.Node.t Incr_dom.Incr.t
val action_queue : (_, 'action, _) t -> 'action Core_kernel.Queue.t
val perform_update : (_, _, _) t -> unit
val sexp_of_model : ('model, _, _) t -> 'model -> Core_kernel.Sexp.t
val set_time : (_, _, _) t -> Core_kernel.Time_ns.t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.