You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type config = [
| `V1 of H1.Config.t
| `V2 of H2.Config.t
type flow = [
| `Tls of Tls_miou_unix.t
| `Tcp of Miou_unix.file_descr
type request = [
| `V1 of H1.Request.t
| `V2 of H2.Request.t
type response = [
| `V1 of H1.Response.t
| `V2 of H2.Response.t
type error = [
| `V1 of H1.Client_connection.error
| `V2 of H2.Client_connection.error
| `Protocol of string
| `Exn of exn
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
type ('resp, 'body) version =
| V1 : (H1.Response.t, H1.Body.Writer.t) version
| V2 : (H2.Response.t, H2.Body.Writer.t) version
exception Error of error
type 'acc process =
| Process : {
version : ('resp, 'body) version;
acc : 'acc Stdlib.ref;
response : 'resp Miou.Computation.t;
body : 'body;
process : unit Miou.t;
} -> 'acc process
val run : f:(response -> 'acc -> string -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> config -> flow -> request -> 'acc process