package hiredis

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val error_string : t -> string option

Returns the error string associated with a hiredis context

val connect : ?scripts:(string, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> ?auth:string -> ?nonblock:bool -> ?port:int -> string -> t

Create a new context

val of_fd : ?scripts:(string, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> ?close_fd:bool -> Unix.file_descr -> t
val to_fd : t -> Unix.file_descr
val set_timeout : t -> int -> int -> status
val enable_keepalive : t -> status
val append_command : t -> string array -> status
val append_command_v : t -> value array -> status
val append_formatted : t -> string -> status
val append_value : t -> value -> status
val flush_buffer : t -> status
val read_buffer : t -> status
val get_reply : t -> value option
val run : t -> string array -> value
val run_v : t -> value array -> value
val load_script : t -> string -> string -> unit
val call_script : t -> string -> int -> string list -> value
val call_script_v : t -> string -> int -> value list -> value

Innovation. Community. Security.