let open Guardian_backend.Pools in
let module MariaConfig = struct
include DefaultConfig
let database =
[ "pool-one", "mariadb://root@database:3306/dev"
; "pool-two", "mariadb://root@database:3306/test"
let module MariaDb = Guardian_backend.MariaDb.Make (Roles) (Make (MariaConfig))
let%lwt () = Lwt_list.iter (fun pool -> MariaDb.migrate ~ctx:["pool", pool] ()) ["pool-one"; "pool-two"]
(** NOTE: To integrate migrations into your applications migration state see
e.g. function 'MariaDB.find_migrations *)
## Usage
The test directory shows an example implementation of how guardian can be used.
role.ml : Definition of actors and targets
role.mli : Signature of the defined actors and targets
guard.ml : Create the guardian service
article.ml : Definition of the article target
hacker.ml : Definition of the hacker actor
user.ml : Definition of the user actor and target
main.ml : implementation of all test cases
Example usage:
module Guard = Guardian.Make (Role.Actor) (Role.Target)
let thomas = "Thomas", Guard.Uuid.Actor.create ()
let mike = "Mike", Guard.Uuid.Actor.create ()
let thomas_article = Article.make "Foo" "Bar" thomas
let mike_article = Article.make "Hello" "World" mike
let example_rule = `Actor (snd mike), `Update, `Target thomas_article.uuid
let initialize_authorizables_and_rules ?ctx =
(* Note: As a user can be an actor and a target, both need to be initialized *)
let* (_: [> `User ] MariaDb.actor) = User.to_authorizable ?ctx thomas in
let* (_: [> `User ] MariaDb.actor) = User.to_authorizable ?ctx mike in
let* (_: [> `User ] MariaDb.target) = UserTarget.to_authorizable ?ctx thomas in
let* (_: [> `User ] MariaDb.target) = UserTarget.to_authorizable ?ctx mike in
let* (_: [> `Article ] MariaDb.target) = Article.to_authorizable ?ctx thomas_article in
let* (_: [> `Article ] MariaDb.target) = Article.to_authorizable ?ctx mike_article in
let* () = MariaDb.Rule.save ?ctx example_role in
(* let mike Update the title of thomas article -> returns a (Article.t, string) Lwt_result.t *)
let update_title = Article.update_title ?ctx mike thomas_article "Updated Title"