package gpr

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
GPR - Library and Application for Gaussian Process Regression


Dune Dependency





1.5.2 (2024-12-07)

  • Removed obsolete base-threads dependency

1.5.1 (2024-11-23)

  • Reformatted everything with ocamlformat + minor fixes

1.5.0 (2019-11-22)

  • Switched to OPAM file generation via dune-project

  • Updates for new Core API v0.13.0

1.4.1 (2018-10-24)

  • Updated to OPAM 2.0

1.4.0 (2018-08-19)

  • Fixes for Lacaml 11.0.0 changes

  • Switched to dune and dune-release

1.3.1 (2017-08-05)

  • Fixed incorrect threads dependency in OPAM package

1.3.0 (2017-07-30)

  • Switched to jbuilder and topkg

Changes Before Version 1.3.0

2017-05-23:  Fixes for Lacaml 9.2.3.

2017-01-12:  Switched to GPL 2 for the application.

2015-07-03:  Fixes wrt. new Lacaml API.

2014-10-03:  Using module aliases for improved compilation and linking time,
             and executable size.

2013-01-19:  Fixed build problem with newest Lacaml release.

2012-07-20:  Downgraded findlib version constraint to support the Debian
             testing branch.

2012-07-15:  New major release version 1.0.0:

               * Upgraded to OCaml 4.00
               * Upgraded to Core library 108.00.01
               * Switched to Oasis for packaging
               * Switched to OCamlBuild for the build process
               * Switched to GPL version 3 for application and
                 LGPL-2.1 with linking exception for library
               * Rewrote README in Markdown
               * Added stricter compilation flags

2012-02-01:  Updated to Lacaml 6.0.0.

2011-09-16:  Updated to Core 107.01.

2010-08-28:  Added support for hyper variables in inputs.

2010-08-14:  Fixed command-line help.

2010-07-11:  Added some support for online learning.

2009-11-23:  Initial public release.

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