package gospel

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type kind =
  1. | Return_unit_without_modifies of string
  2. | Invalid_coercion_type of string
  3. | Coercion_cycle of (string * string * string) list
  4. | Coercion_already_defined of (string * string * string) list
  5. | Not_a_constructor of string
  6. | Formula_expected
  7. | Term_expected
  8. | Duplicated_variable of string
  9. | Unbound_variable of string
  10. | Pattern_bad_type of string * string
  11. | Bad_type of string * string
  12. | Bad_arity of string * int * int
  13. | Bad_type_arity of string * int * int
  14. | Name_clash of string
  15. | Syntax_error
  16. | Illegal_character of char
  17. | Illegal_escape of string * string option
  18. | Unterminated_comment
  19. | Duplicated_argument of string
  20. | Unsupported of string
  21. | Type_checking_error of string
  22. | Module_not_found of string
  23. | Free_variables of string list
  24. | Invalid_int_literal of string * char option
  25. | Symbol_not_found of string list
  26. | Bad_record_field of string
  27. | Public_type_invariant of string
  28. | Circular_open
  29. | Field_application of string
  30. | Duplicated_record_field of string
  31. | Partial_application of string
  32. | Unknown_record_field of string
  33. | Cyclic_type_declaration of string
  34. | Predicate_symbol_expected of string
  35. | Function_symbol_expected of string
  36. | Pattern_not_exhaustive of string
  37. | Pattern_guard_not_exhaustive of string
  38. | Pattern_fully_guarded
  39. | Pattern_redundant of string
  40. | Ambiguous_pattern
  41. | Old_in_precond of string
type error = Ppxlib.location * kind
exception Error of error
val error : loc:Ppxlib.location -> kind -> 'a
val type_checking_error : loc:Ppxlib.location -> string -> 'a
val unsupported : loc:Ppxlib.location -> string -> 'a
val function_ : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string * string * string) -> unit
val pp_kind : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> kind -> unit
val styled_list : list -> 'a Utils.Fmt.t -> 'a Utils.Fmt.t
val pp_gen : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Ppxlib.location -> 'a -> unit

pp_gen pp_sort pp_kind ppf loc k display the message of the given sort (warning, error, etc.) at the location obtained after fixing loc (it might have been broken by preprocessing

val pp_warning : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val pp_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (Ppxlib.location * kind) -> unit

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