package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

OCaml implementations of vectors and matrices.

module Array = Batteries.Array
module M = Messages
val timing_wrap : 'a -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'c
module type RatOps = sig ... end

Abstracts the functions of the Mpqf module for rationals from Apron that implements multi-precision rationals. One could later exchange "Mpqf" with a different module that provides the functions specified by this interface.

module ConvenienceOps (A : RatOps) : sig ... end

It provides more readable infix operators for the functions of RatOps. It is designed to be included by modules that make use of RatOps's functions.

module type Vector = sig ... end

High-level abstraction of a vector.

module type AbstractVector = functor (A : RatOps) -> sig ... end

Some functions inside have the suffix _with, which means that the function has side effects.

module type Matrix = sig ... end

High-level abstraction of a matrix.

module type AbstractMatrix = functor (A : RatOps) -> functor (V : AbstractVector) -> sig ... end

Some functions inside have the suffix _with, which means that the function has side effects.

Array-based vector implementation.

Array-based matrix implementation. It provides a normalization function to reduce a matrix into reduced row echelon form. Operations exploit that the input matrix/matrices are in reduced row echelon form already.


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