package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include All end
include module type of Batteries with module Format := Batteries.Format
module Legacy = All.Legacy
module Array = All.Array
module Buffer = All.Buffer
module Bytes = All.Bytes
type bytes = Bytes.t
module Char = All.Char
module Complex = All.Complex
module Digest = All.Digest
module Either = All.Either
module Gc = All.Gc
module Genlex = All.Genlex
module Hashtbl = All.Hashtbl
module Int32 = All.Int32
module Int64 = All.Int64
module Lexing = All.Lexing
module List = All.List
module Map = All.Map
module Marshal = All.Marshal
module Nativeint = All.Nativeint
module Printexc = All.Printexc
module Printf = All.Printf
module Queue = All.Queue
module Random = All.Random
module Scanf = All.Scanf
module Set = All.Set
module Stack = All.Stack
module Stream = All.Stream
module String = All.String
module Sys = All.Sys
module Unix = All.Unix
module Big_int = All.Big_int
module Num = All.Num
module Bigarray = All.Bigarray
module Base64 = All.Base64
module BitSet = All.BitSet
module Bit_set = All.Bit_set
module Dllist = All.Dllist
module DynArray = All.DynArray
module Enum = All.Enum
module File = All.File
module Global = All.Global
module IO = All.IO
module LazyList = All.LazyList
module MultiPMap = All.MultiPMap
module Option = All.Option
module RefList = All.RefList
module Ref = All.Ref
module Cache = All.Cache
module CharParser = All.CharParser
module Deque = All.Deque
module Hashcons = All.Hashcons
module Heap = All.Heap
module FingerTree = All.FingerTree
module Logger = All.Logger
module MultiMap = All.MultiMap
module ParserCo = All.ParserCo
module Result = All.Result
module Return = All.Return
module Seq = All.Seq
module Substring = All.Substring
module Tuple = All.Tuple
module Tuple2 = All.Tuple2
module Tuple3 = All.Tuple3
module Tuple4 = All.Tuple4
module Tuple5 = All.Tuple5
module Vect = All.Vect
module ISet = All.ISet
module IMap = All.IMap
module Splay = All.Splay
module Uref = All.Uref
module UChar = All.UChar
module UTF8 = All.UTF8
module Text = All.Text
module Concurrent = All.Concurrent
module Interfaces = All.Interfaces
module Number = All.Number
module Float = All.Float
module Int = All.Int
module Bool = All.Bool
module Unit = All.Unit
module Filename = All.Filename
module Incubator = All.Incubator
val raise : exn -> 'a
val raise_notrace : exn -> 'a
val invalid_arg : string -> 'a
val failwith : string -> 'a
exception Exit
val (=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (<>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (<) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (>) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (<=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (>=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val compare : 'a -> 'a -> int
val min : 'a -> 'a -> 'a
val max : 'a -> 'a -> 'a
val (==) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val (!=) : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val not : bool -> bool
val (&&) : bool -> bool -> bool
val (&) : bool -> bool -> bool
  • deprecated Use (&&) instead.
val (||) : bool -> bool -> bool
val or : bool -> bool -> bool
  • deprecated Use (||) instead.
val __LOC__ : string
val __FILE__ : string
val __LINE__ : int
val __MODULE__ : string
val __POS__ : string * int * int * int
val __LOC_OF__ : 'a -> string * 'a
val __LINE_OF__ : 'a -> int * 'a
val __POS_OF__ : 'a -> (string * int * int * int) * 'a
val (~-) : int -> int
val (~+) : int -> int
val succ : int -> int
val pred : int -> int
val (+) : int -> int -> int
val (-) : int -> int -> int
val (*) : int -> int -> int
val (/) : int -> int -> int
val (mod) : int -> int -> int
val abs : int -> int
val max_int : int
val min_int : int
val (land) : int -> int -> int
val (lor) : int -> int -> int
val (lxor) : int -> int -> int
val lnot : int -> int
val (lsl) : int -> int -> int
val (lsr) : int -> int -> int
val (asr) : int -> int -> int
val (~-.) : float -> float
val (~+.) : float -> float
val (+.) : float -> float -> float
val (-.) : float -> float -> float
val (*.) : float -> float -> float
val (/.) : float -> float -> float
val (**) : float -> float -> float
val sqrt : float -> float
val exp : float -> float
val log : float -> float
val log10 : float -> float
val expm1 : float -> float
val log1p : float -> float
val cos : float -> float
val sin : float -> float
val tan : float -> float
val acos : float -> float
val asin : float -> float
val atan : float -> float
val atan2 : float -> float -> float
val hypot : float -> float -> float
val cosh : float -> float
val sinh : float -> float
val tanh : float -> float
val ceil : float -> float
val floor : float -> float
val abs_float : float -> float
val copysign : float -> float -> float
val mod_float : float -> float -> float
val frexp : float -> float * int
val ldexp : float -> int -> float
val modf : float -> float * float
val float : int -> float
val float_of_int : int -> float
val truncate : float -> int
val int_of_float : float -> int
val infinity : float
val neg_infinity : float
val nan : float
val max_float : float
val min_float : float
val epsilon_float : float
type nonrec fpclass = Stdlib.Pervasives.fpclass =
  1. | FP_normal
  2. | FP_subnormal
  3. | FP_zero
  4. | FP_infinite
  5. | FP_nan
val classify_float : float -> fpclass
val (^) : string -> string -> string
val int_of_char : char -> int
val char_of_int : int -> char
val ignore : 'a -> unit
val string_of_bool : bool -> string
val bool_of_string : string -> bool
val bool_of_string_opt : string -> bool option
val string_of_int : int -> string
val int_of_string : string -> int
val int_of_string_opt : string -> int option
val string_of_float : float -> string
val float_of_string : string -> float
val float_of_string_opt : string -> float option
val fst : ('a * 'b) -> 'a
val snd : ('a * 'b) -> 'b
type nonrec in_channel = Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel
type nonrec out_channel = Stdlib.Pervasives.out_channel
val print_char : char -> unit
val print_string : string -> unit
val print_bytes : bytes -> unit
val print_int : int -> unit
val print_float : float -> unit
val print_endline : string -> unit
val print_newline : unit -> unit
val prerr_char : char -> unit
val prerr_string : string -> unit
val prerr_bytes : bytes -> unit
val prerr_int : int -> unit
val prerr_float : float -> unit
val prerr_endline : string -> unit
val prerr_newline : unit -> unit
val read_line : unit -> string
val read_int : unit -> int
val read_int_opt : unit -> int option
val read_float : unit -> float
val read_float_opt : unit -> float option
type nonrec open_flag = Stdlib.Pervasives.open_flag =
  1. | Open_rdonly
  2. | Open_wronly
  3. | Open_append
  4. | Open_creat
  5. | Open_trunc
  6. | Open_excl
  7. | Open_binary
  8. | Open_text
  9. | Open_nonblock
val output_bytes : Stdlib.out_channel -> bytes -> unit
val seek_out : Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> unit
val pos_out : Stdlib.out_channel -> int
val out_channel_length : Stdlib.out_channel -> int
val set_binary_mode_out : Stdlib.out_channel -> bool -> unit
val really_input_string : Stdlib.in_channel -> int -> string
val seek_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> int -> unit
val pos_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> int
val in_channel_length : Stdlib.in_channel -> int
val set_binary_mode_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> bool -> unit
module LargeFile = All.LargeFile
type nonrec !'a ref = 'a Stdlib.Pervasives.ref = {
  1. mutable contents : 'a;
val ref : 'a -> 'a ref
val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a
val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit
val incr : int ref -> unit
val decr : int ref -> unit
type (!'a, !'b, !'c, !'d, !'e, !'f) format6 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Stdlib.Pervasives.format6
type (!'a, !'b, !'c, !'d) format4 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Stdlib.Pervasives.format4
type (!'a, !'b, !'c) format = ('a, 'b, 'c) Stdlib.Pervasives.format
val string_of_format : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Stdlib.format6 -> string
val format_of_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6
val (^^) : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Stdlib.format6 -> ('f, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'g, 'h) Stdlib.format6 -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'g, 'h) Stdlib.format6
val exit : int -> 'a
val at_exit : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val valid_float_lexem : string -> string
val do_at_exit : unit -> unit
val input_lines : Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel -> string BatEnum.t
val input_chars : Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel -> char BatEnum.t
val input_list : Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel -> string list
val input_all : Stdlib.Pervasives.in_channel -> string
val dump : 'a -> string
val print_any : 'b BatIO.output -> 'a -> unit
val (@) : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
val stdin : BatIO.input
val stdout : unit BatIO.output
val stderr : unit BatIO.output
val stdnull : unit BatIO.output
val flush_all : unit -> unit
val print_bool : bool -> unit
val print_guess : 'a BatIO.output -> 'b -> unit
val print_all : BatIO.input -> unit
val prerr_bool : bool -> unit
val prerr_guess : 'a -> unit
val prerr_all : BatIO.input -> unit
val output_file : filename:string -> text:string -> unit
val open_out : ?mode:BatFile.open_out_flag list -> ?perm:BatFile.permission -> string -> unit BatIO.output
val open_out_bin : string -> unit BatIO.output
val open_out_gen : Stdlib.open_flag list -> int -> string -> unit BatIO.output
val flush : unit BatIO.output -> unit
val output_char : unit BatIO.output -> char -> unit
val output_string : unit BatIO.output -> string -> unit
val output : unit BatIO.output -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
val output_substring : unit BatIO.output -> string -> int -> int -> unit
val output_byte : unit BatIO.output -> int -> unit
val output_binary_int : unit BatIO.output -> int -> unit
val output_binary_float : unit BatIO.output -> float -> unit
val output_value : unit BatIO.output -> 'a -> unit
val close_out : unit BatIO.output -> unit
val close_out_noerr : unit BatIO.output -> unit
val input_file : ?bin:bool -> string -> string
val open_in : ?mode:BatFile.open_in_flag list -> ?perm:BatFile.permission -> string -> BatIO.input
val open_in_bin : string -> BatIO.input
val open_in_gen : Stdlib.open_flag list -> int -> string -> BatIO.input
val input_char : BatIO.input -> char
val input_line : BatIO.input -> string
val input : BatIO.input -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
val really_input : BatIO.input -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> unit
val input_byte : BatIO.input -> int
val input_binary_int : BatIO.input -> int
val input_binary_float : BatIO.input -> float
val input_value : BatIO.input -> 'a
val close_in : BatIO.input -> unit
val close_in_noerr : BatIO.input -> unit
val identity : 'a -> 'a
val undefined : ?message:string -> 'a -> 'b
val (@@) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val (%) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
val (%>) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'c
val (|?) : 'a option -> 'a -> 'a
val flip : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c
val curry : (('a * 'b) -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a * 'b) -> 'c
val neg : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> bool
val neg2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a -> 'b -> bool
val const : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
val unique : unit -> int
val tap : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a
val finally : (unit -> unit) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val with_dispose : dispose:('a -> unit) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val forever : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit
val ignore_exceptions : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit
val verify_arg : bool -> string -> unit
val args : unit -> string BatEnum.t
val invisible_args : int Stdlib.ref
val exe : string
val foreach : 'a BatEnum.t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'b BatEnum.t
val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'b BatEnum.t
val reduce : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a
val fold : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'b
val scanl : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'b BatEnum.t
val (/@) : 'a BatEnum.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b BatEnum.t
val (@/) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'b BatEnum.t
val (//@) : 'a BatEnum.t -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b BatEnum.t
val (@//) : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'b BatEnum.t
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> bool
val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> bool
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a
val peek : 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a option
val get : 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a option
val push : 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a -> unit
val junk : 'a BatEnum.t -> unit
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a BatEnum.t -> 'a BatEnum.t
val (//) : 'a BatEnum.t -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a BatEnum.t
val (--) : int -> int -> int BatEnum.t
val (--^) : int -> int -> int BatEnum.t
val (--.) : (float * float) -> float -> float BatEnum.t
val (---) : int -> int -> int BatEnum.t
val (--~) : char -> char -> char BatEnum.t
val print : ?first:string -> ?last:string -> ?sep:string -> ('a BatInnerIO.output -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a BatInnerIO.output -> 'b BatEnum.t -> unit
type (!'a, !'e) result = ('a, 'e) BatInnerPervasives.result =
  1. | Ok of 'a
  2. | Error of 'e
val ignore_ok : ('a, exn) result -> unit
val ok : ('a, exn) result -> 'a
val wrap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> ('b, exn) result
val lock : BatConcurrent.lock Stdlib.ref
module Format = All.Format
val comp2 : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'c -> 'b
val compareBy : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b -> int
val str_remove : string -> string -> string
val split_time : unit -> int * int * int * int
val string_of_time : unit -> string
val localtime : unit -> string
include module type of struct include GoblintCil end
val initCIL : unit -> unit
val cilVersion : string
type file = GoblintCil__Cil.file = {
  1. mutable fileName : string;
  2. mutable globals : global list;
  3. mutable globinit : fundec option;
  4. mutable globinitcalled : bool;
and comment = location * string
and global = =
  1. | GType of typeinfo * location
  2. | GCompTag of compinfo * location
  3. | GCompTagDecl of compinfo * location
  4. | GEnumTag of enuminfo * location
  5. | GEnumTagDecl of enuminfo * location
  6. | GVarDecl of varinfo * location
  7. | GVar of varinfo * initinfo * location
  8. | GFun of fundec * location
  9. | GAsm of string * location
  10. | GPragma of attribute * location
  11. | GText of string
and typ = GoblintCil__Cil.typ =
  1. | TVoid of attributes
  2. | TInt of ikind * attributes
  3. | TFloat of fkind * attributes
  4. | TPtr of typ * attributes
  5. | TArray of typ * exp option * attributes
  6. | TFun of typ * (string * typ * attributes) list option * bool * attributes
  7. | TNamed of typeinfo * attributes
  8. | TComp of compinfo * attributes
  9. | TEnum of enuminfo * attributes
  10. | TBuiltin_va_list of attributes
and ikind = GoblintCil__Cil.ikind =
  1. | IChar
  2. | ISChar
  3. | IUChar
  4. | IBool
  5. | IInt
  6. | IUInt
  7. | IShort
  8. | IUShort
  9. | ILong
  10. | IULong
  11. | ILongLong
  12. | IULongLong
  13. | IInt128
  14. | IUInt128
and fkind = GoblintCil__Cil.fkind =
  1. | FFloat
  2. | FDouble
  3. | FLongDouble
  4. | FComplexFloat
  5. | FComplexDouble
  6. | FComplexLongDouble
and attribute = GoblintCil__Cil.attribute =
  1. | Attr of string * attrparam list
and attributes = attribute list
and attrparam = GoblintCil__Cil.attrparam =
  1. | AInt of int
  2. | AStr of string
  3. | ACons of string * attrparam list
  4. | ASizeOf of typ
  5. | ASizeOfE of attrparam
  6. | ASizeOfS of typsig
  7. | AAlignOf of typ
  8. | AAlignOfE of attrparam
  9. | AAlignOfS of typsig
  10. | AUnOp of unop * attrparam
  11. | ABinOp of binop * attrparam * attrparam
  12. | ADot of attrparam * string
  13. | AStar of attrparam
  14. | AAddrOf of attrparam
  15. | AIndex of attrparam * attrparam
  16. | AQuestion of attrparam * attrparam * attrparam
and compinfo = GoblintCil__Cil.compinfo = {
  1. mutable cstruct : bool;
  2. mutable cname : string;
  3. mutable ckey : int;
  4. mutable cfields : fieldinfo list;
  5. mutable cattr : attributes;
  6. mutable cdefined : bool;
  7. mutable creferenced : bool;
and fieldinfo = GoblintCil__Cil.fieldinfo = {
  1. mutable fcomp : compinfo;
  2. mutable fname : string;
  3. mutable ftype : typ;
  4. mutable fbitfield : int option;
  5. mutable fattr : attributes;
  6. mutable floc : location;
and enuminfo = GoblintCil__Cil.enuminfo = {
  1. mutable ename : string;
  2. mutable eitems : (string * exp * location) list;
  3. mutable eattr : attributes;
  4. mutable ereferenced : bool;
  5. mutable ekind : ikind;
and typeinfo = GoblintCil__Cil.typeinfo = {
  1. mutable tname : string;
  2. mutable ttype : typ;
  3. mutable treferenced : bool;
and varinfo = GoblintCil__Cil.varinfo = {
  1. mutable vname : string;
  2. mutable vtype : typ;
  3. mutable vattr : attributes;
  4. mutable vstorage : storage;
  5. mutable vglob : bool;
  6. mutable vinline : bool;
  7. mutable vdecl : location;
  8. vinit : initinfo;
  9. mutable vid : int;
  10. mutable vaddrof : bool;
  11. mutable vreferenced : bool;
  12. mutable vdescr : GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc;
  13. mutable vdescrpure : bool;
  14. mutable vhasdeclinstruction : bool;
and storage = =
  1. | NoStorage
  2. | Static
  3. | Register
  4. | Extern
and exp = GoblintCil__Cil.exp =
  1. | Const of constant
  2. | Lval of lval
  3. | SizeOf of typ
  4. | Real of exp
  5. | Imag of exp
  6. | SizeOfE of exp
  7. | SizeOfStr of string
  8. | AlignOf of typ
  9. | AlignOfE of exp
  10. | UnOp of unop * exp * typ
  11. | BinOp of binop * exp * exp * typ
  12. | Question of exp * exp * exp * typ
  13. | CastE of typ * exp
  14. | AddrOf of lval
  15. | AddrOfLabel of stmt Stdlib.ref
  16. | StartOf of lval
and wstring_type = GoblintCil__Cil.wstring_type =
  1. | Wchar_t
  2. | Char16_t
  3. | Char32_t
and encoding = GoblintCil__Cil.encoding =
  1. | No_encoding
  2. | Utf8
and constant = GoblintCil__Cil.constant =
  1. | CStr of string * encoding
  2. | CWStr of int64 list * wstring_type
  3. | CChr of char
  4. | CReal of float * fkind * string option
  5. | CEnum of exp * string * enuminfo
and unop = GoblintCil__Cil.unop =
  1. | Neg
  2. | BNot
  3. | LNot
and binop = GoblintCil__Cil.binop =
  1. | PlusA
  2. | PlusPI
  3. | IndexPI
  4. | MinusA
  5. | MinusPI
  6. | MinusPP
  7. | Mult
  8. | Div
  9. | Mod
  10. | Shiftlt
  11. | Shiftrt
  12. | Lt
  13. | Gt
  14. | Le
  15. | Ge
  16. | Eq
  17. | Ne
  18. | BAnd
  19. | BXor
  20. | BOr
  21. | LAnd
  22. | LOr
and lval = lhost * offset
and lhost = GoblintCil__Cil.lhost =
  1. | Var of varinfo
  2. | Mem of exp
and offset = GoblintCil__Cil.offset =
  1. | NoOffset
  2. | Field of fieldinfo * offset
  3. | Index of exp * offset
and init = GoblintCil__Cil.init =
  1. | SingleInit of exp
  2. | CompoundInit of typ * (offset * init) list
and initinfo = GoblintCil__Cil.initinfo = {
  1. mutable init : init option;
and fundec = GoblintCil__Cil.fundec = {
  1. mutable svar : varinfo;
  2. mutable sformals : varinfo list;
  3. mutable slocals : varinfo list;
  4. mutable smaxid : int;
  5. mutable sbody : block;
  6. mutable smaxstmtid : int option;
  7. mutable sallstmts : stmt list;
and block = GoblintCil__Cil.block = {
  1. mutable battrs : attributes;
  2. mutable bstmts : stmt list;
and stmt = GoblintCil__Cil.stmt = {
  1. mutable labels : label list;
  2. mutable skind : stmtkind;
  3. mutable sid : int;
  4. mutable succs : stmt list;
  5. mutable preds : stmt list;
  6. mutable fallthrough : stmt option;
and label = GoblintCil__Cil.label =
  1. | Label of string * location * bool
  2. | Case of exp * location * location
  3. | CaseRange of exp * exp * location * location
  4. | Default of location * location
and stmtkind = GoblintCil__Cil.stmtkind =
  1. | Instr of instr list
  2. | Return of exp option * location
  3. | Goto of stmt Stdlib.ref * location
  4. | ComputedGoto of exp * location
  5. | Break of location
  6. | Continue of location
  7. | If of exp * block * block * location * location
  8. | Switch of exp * block * stmt list * location * location
  9. | Loop of block * location * location * stmt option * stmt option
  10. | Block of block
and instr = GoblintCil__Cil.instr =
  1. | Set of lval * exp * location * location
  2. | VarDecl of varinfo * location
  3. | Call of lval option * exp * exp list * location * location
  4. | Asm of attributes * string list * (string option * string * lval) list * (string option * string * exp) list * string list * location
and location = GoblintCil__Cil.location = {
  1. line : int;
  2. file : string;
  3. byte : int;
  4. column : int;
  5. endLine : int;
  6. endByte : int;
  7. endColumn : int;
  8. synthetic : bool;
and typsig = GoblintCil__Cil.typsig =
  1. | TSPtr of typsig * attribute list
  2. | TSComp of bool * string * attribute list
  3. | TSFun of typsig * typsig list option * bool * attribute list
  4. | TSEnum of string * attribute list
  5. | TSBase of typ
val lowerConstants : bool Stdlib.ref
val removeBranchingOnConstants : bool Stdlib.ref
val insertImplicitCasts : bool Stdlib.ref
val compareLoc : location -> location -> int
val emptyFunction : string -> fundec
val setFormals : fundec -> varinfo list -> unit
val setFunctionType : fundec -> typ -> unit
val setFunctionTypeMakeFormals : fundec -> typ -> unit
val setMaxId : fundec -> unit
val dummyFunDec : fundec
val dummyFile : file
val saveBinaryFile : file -> string -> unit
val saveBinaryFileChannel : file -> Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val loadBinaryFile : string -> file
val getGlobInit : ?main_name:string -> file -> fundec
val iterGlobals : file -> (global -> unit) -> unit
val foldGlobals : file -> ('a -> global -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val mapGlobals : file -> (global -> global) -> unit
val findOrCreateFunc : file -> string -> typ -> varinfo
val new_sid : unit -> int
val prepareCFG : fundec -> unit
val computeCFGInfo : fundec -> bool -> unit
val copyFunction : fundec -> string -> fundec
val pushGlobal : global -> types:global list Stdlib.ref -> variables:global list Stdlib.ref -> unit
val invalidStmt : stmt
val builtinFunctions : (string, typ * typ list * bool) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val builtinLoc : location
val makeZeroInit : typ -> init
val foldLeftCompound : implicit:bool -> doinit:(offset -> init -> typ -> 'a -> 'a) -> ct:typ -> initl:(offset * init) list -> acc:'a -> 'a
val voidType : typ
val isVoidType : typ -> bool
val isVoidPtrType : typ -> bool
val typeOfRealAndImagComponents : typ -> typ
val getComplexFkind : fkind -> fkind
val intType : typ
val uintType : typ
val longType : typ
val ulongType : typ
val charType : typ
val charPtrType : typ
val stringLiteralType : typ
val wcharKind : ikind Stdlib.ref
val wcharType : typ Stdlib.ref
val char16Kind : ikind Stdlib.ref
val char16Type : typ Stdlib.ref
val char32Kind : ikind Stdlib.ref
val char32Type : typ Stdlib.ref
val charConstPtrType : typ
val voidPtrType : typ
val intPtrType : typ
val uintPtrType : typ
val doubleType : typ
val upointType : typ Stdlib.ref
val ptrdiffType : typ Stdlib.ref
val typeOfSizeOf : typ Stdlib.ref
val kindOfSizeOf : ikind Stdlib.ref
val isSigned : ikind -> bool
val mkCompInfo : bool -> string -> (compinfo -> (string * typ * int option * attributes * location) list) -> attributes -> compinfo
val copyCompInfo : compinfo -> string -> compinfo
val missingFieldName : string
val compFullName : compinfo -> string
val isCompleteType : typ -> bool
val unrollType : typ -> typ
val unrollTypeDeep : typ -> typ
val isIntegralType : typ -> bool
val isArithmeticType : typ -> bool
val isPointerType : typ -> bool
val isScalarType : typ -> bool
val isFunctionType : typ -> bool
val argsToList : (string * typ * attributes) list option -> (string * typ * attributes) list
val isArrayType : typ -> bool
exception LenOfArray
val lenOfArray : exp option -> int
val getCompField : compinfo -> string -> fieldinfo
type existsAction = GoblintCil__Cil.existsAction =
  1. | ExistsTrue
  2. | ExistsFalse
  3. | ExistsMaybe
val existsType : (typ -> existsAction) -> typ -> bool
val splitFunctionType : typ -> typ * (string * typ * attributes) list option * bool * attributes
val splitFunctionTypeVI : varinfo -> typ * (string * typ * attributes) list option * bool * attributes
val d_typsig : unit -> typsig -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val typeSig : typ -> typsig
val typeSigWithAttrs : ?ignoreSign:bool -> (attributes -> attributes) -> typ -> typsig
val setTypeSigAttrs : attributes -> typsig -> typsig
val typeSigAttrs : typsig -> attributes
val makeVarinfo : bool -> string -> ?init:init -> typ -> varinfo
val makeFormalVar : fundec -> ?where:string -> string -> typ -> varinfo
val makeLocalVar : fundec -> ?insert:bool -> string -> ?init:init -> typ -> varinfo
val makeTempVar : fundec -> ?insert:bool -> ?name:string -> ?descr:GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc -> ?descrpure:bool -> typ -> varinfo
val makeGlobalVar : string -> typ -> varinfo
val copyVarinfo : varinfo -> string -> varinfo
val newVID : unit -> int
val addOffsetLval : offset -> lval -> lval
val addOffset : offset -> offset -> offset
val removeOffsetLval : lval -> lval * offset
val removeOffset : offset -> offset * offset
val typeOfLval : lval -> typ
val typeOffset : typ -> offset -> typ
val zero : exp
val one : exp
val mone : exp
val kintegerCilint : ikind -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> exp
val kinteger64 : ikind -> int64 -> exp
val kinteger : ikind -> int -> exp
val integer : int -> exp
val getInteger : exp -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint option
val i64_to_int : int64 -> int
val cilint_to_int : GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> int
val isConstant : exp -> bool
val isConstantOffset : offset -> bool
val isZero : exp -> bool
val isNullPtrConstant : exp -> bool
val charConstToInt : char -> constant
val constFold : bool -> exp -> exp
val constFoldBinOp : bool -> binop -> exp -> exp -> typ -> exp
val increm : exp -> int -> exp
val var : varinfo -> lval
val mkAddrOf : lval -> exp
val mkAddrOrStartOf : lval -> exp
val mkMem : addr:exp -> off:offset -> lval
val mkString : string -> exp
val mkCastT : e:exp -> oldt:typ -> newt:typ -> exp
val mkCast : e:exp -> newt:typ -> exp
val stripCasts : exp -> exp
val typeOf : exp -> typ
val parseInt : string -> exp
val mkStmt : stmtkind -> stmt
val mkBlock : stmt list -> block
val mkStmtOneInstr : instr -> stmt
val compactStmts : stmt list -> stmt list
val mkEmptyStmt : unit -> stmt
val dummyInstr : instr
val dummyStmt : stmt
val mkWhile : guard:exp -> body:stmt list -> stmt list
val mkForIncr : iter:varinfo -> first:exp -> stopat:exp -> incr:exp -> body:stmt list -> stmt list
val mkFor : start:stmt list -> guard:exp -> next:stmt list -> body:stmt list -> stmt list
type attributeClass = GoblintCil__Cil.attributeClass =
  1. | AttrName
  2. | AttrFunType
  3. | AttrType
val attributeHash : (string, attributeClass) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val partitionAttributes : default:attributeClass -> attributes -> attribute list * attribute list * attribute list
val addAttribute : attribute -> attributes -> attributes
val addAttributes : attribute list -> attributes -> attributes
val dropAttribute : string -> attributes -> attributes
val dropAttributes : string list -> attributes -> attributes
val filterAttributes : string -> attributes -> attributes
val hasAttribute : string -> attributes -> bool
val typeAttrs : typ -> attribute list
val typeAttrsOuter : typ -> attribute list
val setTypeAttrs : typ -> attributes -> typ
val typeAddAttributes : attribute list -> typ -> typ
val typeRemoveAttributes : string list -> typ -> typ
val partitionQualifierAttributes : attribute list -> attribute list * attribute list
val removeOuterQualifierAttributes : typ -> typ
val expToAttrParam : exp -> attrparam
exception NotAnAttrParam of exp
type !'a visitAction = 'a GoblintCil__Cil.visitAction =
  1. | SkipChildren
  2. | DoChildren
  3. | ChangeTo of 'a
  4. | ChangeDoChildrenPost of 'a * 'a -> 'a
class type cilVisitor = object ... end
val visitCilFile : cilVisitor -> file -> unit
val visitCilFileSameGlobals : cilVisitor -> file -> unit
val visitCilGlobal : cilVisitor -> global -> global list
val visitCilFunction : cilVisitor -> fundec -> fundec
val visitCilExpr : cilVisitor -> exp -> exp
val visitCilLval : cilVisitor -> lval -> lval
val visitCilOffset : cilVisitor -> offset -> offset
val visitCilInitOffset : cilVisitor -> offset -> offset
val visitCilInstr : cilVisitor -> instr -> instr list
val visitCilStmt : cilVisitor -> stmt -> stmt
val visitCilBlock : cilVisitor -> block -> block
val visitCilType : cilVisitor -> typ -> typ
val visitCilVarDecl : cilVisitor -> varinfo -> varinfo
val visitCilInit : cilVisitor -> varinfo -> offset -> init -> init
val visitCilAttributes : cilVisitor -> attribute list -> attribute list
val msvcMode : bool Stdlib.ref
val makeStaticGlobal : bool Stdlib.ref
val useLogicalOperators : bool Stdlib.ref
val useComputedGoto : bool Stdlib.ref
val useCaseRange : bool Stdlib.ref
val caseRangeFold : label list -> label list
val oldstyleExternInline : bool Stdlib.ref
val constFoldVisitor : bool -> cilVisitor
type lineDirectiveStyle = GoblintCil__Cil.lineDirectiveStyle =
  1. | LineComment
  2. | LineCommentSparse
  3. | LinePreprocessorInput
  4. | LinePreprocessorOutput
val lineDirectiveStyle : lineDirectiveStyle option Stdlib.ref
val print_CIL_Input : bool Stdlib.ref
val printCilAsIs : bool Stdlib.ref
val lineLength : int Stdlib.ref
val forgcc : string -> string
val currentLoc : location Stdlib.ref
val currentExpLoc : location Stdlib.ref
val currentGlobal : global Stdlib.ref
val d_loc : unit -> location -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_thisloc : unit -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_ikind : unit -> ikind -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_fkind : unit -> fkind -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_storage : unit -> storage -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_const : unit -> constant -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val derefStarLevel : int
val indexLevel : int
val arrowLevel : int
val addrOfLevel : int
val additiveLevel : int
val comparativeLevel : int
val bitwiseLevel : int
val getParenthLevel : exp -> int
class type cilPrinter = object ... end
val defaultCilPrinter : cilPrinter
val plainCilPrinter : cilPrinter
class type descriptiveCilPrinter = object ... end
val descriptiveCilPrinter : descriptiveCilPrinter
val printerForMaincil : cilPrinter Stdlib.ref
val printType : cilPrinter -> unit -> typ -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printExp : cilPrinter -> unit -> exp -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printLval : cilPrinter -> unit -> lval -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printGlobal : cilPrinter -> unit -> global -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printAttr : cilPrinter -> unit -> attribute -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printAttrs : cilPrinter -> unit -> attributes -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printInstr : cilPrinter -> unit -> instr -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printStmt : cilPrinter -> unit -> stmt -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val printBlock : cilPrinter -> unit -> block -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dumpStmt : cilPrinter -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> stmt -> unit
val dumpBlock : cilPrinter -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> block -> unit
val printInit : cilPrinter -> unit -> init -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dumpInit : cilPrinter -> Stdlib.out_channel -> int -> init -> unit
val d_type : unit -> typ -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_exp : unit -> exp -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_lval : unit -> lval -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_offset : GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc -> unit -> offset -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_init : unit -> init -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_binop : unit -> binop -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_unop : unit -> unop -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_attr : unit -> attribute -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_attrparam : unit -> attrparam -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_attrlist : unit -> attributes -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_instr : unit -> instr -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_label : unit -> label -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_stmt : unit -> stmt -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_block : unit -> block -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_global : unit -> global -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_exp : unit -> exp -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_lval : unit -> lval -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_init : unit -> init -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_type : unit -> typ -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_global : unit -> global -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_attrlist : unit -> attributes -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_attr : unit -> attribute -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_attrparam : unit -> attrparam -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_stmt : unit -> stmt -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dn_instr : unit -> instr -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_shortglobal : unit -> global -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dumpGlobal : cilPrinter -> Stdlib.out_channel -> global -> unit
val dumpFile : cilPrinter -> Stdlib.out_channel -> string -> file -> unit
val bug : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val unimp : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val error : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val errorLoc : location -> ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val warn : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val warnOpt : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val warnContext : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val warnContextOpt : ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val warnLoc : location -> ('a, unit, GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val d_plainexp : unit -> exp -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_plaininit : unit -> init -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_plainlval : unit -> lval -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val d_plaintype : unit -> typ -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dd_exp : unit -> exp -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val dd_lval : unit -> lval -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val uniqueVarNames : file -> unit
val peepHole2 : ((instr * instr) -> instr list option) -> stmt list -> unit
val peepHole1 : (instr -> instr list option) -> stmt list -> unit
exception SizeOfError of string * typ
val unsignedVersionOf : ikind -> ikind
val signedVersionOf : ikind -> ikind
val intRank : ikind -> int
val commonIntKind : ikind -> ikind -> ikind
val intKindForSize : int -> bool -> ikind
val floatKindForSize : int -> fkind
val bytesSizeOfInt : ikind -> int
val bitsSizeOf : typ -> int
val truncateCilint : ikind -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint * GoblintCil__.Cilint.truncation
val fitsInInt : ikind -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> bool
val intKindForValue : GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> bool -> ikind
val mkCilint : ikind -> int64 -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint
val mkCilintIk : ikind -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint
val const_if_not_overflow : exp -> ikind -> GoblintCil__.Cilint.cilint -> exp
val sizeOf : typ -> exp
val alignOf_int : typ -> int
val bitsOffset : typ -> offset -> int * int
val char_is_unsigned : bool Stdlib.ref
val little_endian : bool Stdlib.ref
val underscore_name : bool Stdlib.ref
val locUnknown : location
val get_instrLoc : instr -> location
val get_globalLoc : global -> location
val get_stmtLoc : stmtkind -> location
val dExp : GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc -> exp
val dInstr : GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc -> location -> instr
val dGlobal : GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc -> location -> global
val mapNoCopy : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val mapNoCopyList : ('a -> 'a list) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val startsWith : string -> string -> bool
val endsWith : string -> string -> bool
val stripUnderscores : string -> string
val freshLabel : string -> string
val populateLabelAlphaTable : fundec -> unit
type formatArg = GoblintCil__Cil.formatArg =
  1. | Fe of exp
  2. | Feo of exp option
  3. | Fu of unop
  4. | Fb of binop
  5. | Fk of ikind
  6. | FE of exp list
  7. | Ff of string * typ * attributes
  8. | FF of (string * typ * attributes) list
  9. | Fva of bool
  10. | Fv of varinfo
  11. | Fl of lval
  12. | Flo of lval option
  13. | Fo of offset
  14. | Fc of compinfo
  15. | Fi of instr
  16. | FI of instr list
  17. | Ft of typ
  18. | Fd of int
  19. | Fg of string
  20. | Fs of stmt
  21. | FS of stmt list
  22. | FA of attributes
  23. | Fp of attrparam
  24. | FP of attrparam list
  25. | FX of string
val d_formatarg : unit -> formatArg -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
val warnTruncate : bool Stdlib.ref
val envMachine : GoblintCil__.Machdep.mach option Stdlib.ref
val gccBuiltins : (string, typ * typ list * bool) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
module Cfg : sig ... end
module Check : sig ... end
module Cil : sig ... end
module Cilint : sig ... end
module Cillower : sig ... end
module Ciltools : sig ... end
module Cilutil : sig ... end
module Dataflow : sig ... end
module Dominators : sig ... end
module Escape : sig ... end
module Expcompare : sig ... end
module Feature : sig ... end
module Formatcil : sig ... end
module Machdep : sig ... end
module Machdepenv : sig ... end
module Mergecil : sig ... end
module Rmtmps : sig ... end
module Cabs : sig ... end
module Cabs2cil : sig ... end
module Cabshelper : sig ... end
module Cabsvisit : sig ... end
module Cprint : sig ... end
module Frontc : sig ... end
module Patch : sig ... end
module Whitetrack : sig ... end
module Alpha : sig ... end
module Errormsg : sig ... end
module GrowArray : sig ... end
module Inthash : sig ... end
module Pretty : sig ... end
module Stats : sig ... end
module Trace : sig ... end
module Util : sig ... end
val d_varinfo : unit -> varinfo -> GoblintCil__.Pretty.doc
include module type of struct include Pretty end
type doc = GoblintCil__Pretty.doc
val nil : doc
val (++) : doc -> doc -> doc
val concat : doc -> doc -> doc
val text : string -> doc
val num : int -> doc
val num64 : int64 -> doc
val real : float -> doc
val chr : char -> doc
val line : doc
val leftflush : doc
val break : doc
val align : doc
val unalign : doc
val mark : doc
val unmark : doc
val indent : int -> doc -> doc
val markup : doc -> doc
val seq : sep:doc -> doit:('a -> doc) -> elements:'a list -> doc
val docList : ?sep:doc -> ('a -> doc) -> unit -> 'a list -> doc
val d_list : string -> (unit -> 'a -> doc) -> unit -> 'a list -> doc
val docArray : ?sep:doc -> (int -> 'a -> doc) -> unit -> 'a array -> doc
val docOpt : ('a -> doc) -> unit -> 'a option -> doc
val d_int32 : int32 -> doc
val f_int32 : unit -> int32 -> doc
val d_int64 : int64 -> doc
val f_int64 : unit -> int64 -> doc
module MakeMapPrinter : sig ... end
module MakeSetPrinter : sig ... end
val insert : unit -> doc -> doc
val dprintf : ('a, unit, doc, doc) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val gprintf : (doc -> 'b) -> ('a, unit, doc, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
val fprint : Stdlib.out_channel -> width:int -> doc -> unit
val fprintf : Stdlib.out_channel -> ('a, unit, doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val printf : ('a, unit, doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val eprintf : ('a, unit, doc) Stdlib.format -> 'a
val withPrintDepth : int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val printDepth : int Stdlib.ref
val printIndent : bool Stdlib.ref
val fastMode : bool Stdlib.ref
val flushOften : bool Stdlib.ref
val flattenBeforePrint : bool Stdlib.ref
val countNewLines : int Stdlib.ref
val auto_printer : string -> 'b
val sprint : (unit -> 'a -> Pretty.doc) -> 'a -> string

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