package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Globally accessible flags and utility functions.

Outputs information about what the goblin is doing

val jsonFiles : string list ref

Json files that are given as arguments

val should_warn : bool ref

If this is true we output messages and collect accesses. This is set to true in before we verify the result (or already before solving if warn = 'early')

val svcomp_may_overflow : bool ref

Whether signed overflow or underflow happened

val inthack : int64

hack to use a special integer to denote synchronized array-based locking

val globals_changed : int ref

number of times that globals change !CAUTION: This is only set in and is not what one would think it is!

val out : out_channel ref

The file where everything is output

val tempDirName : string ref

Temp directory, set in, but used by the OSEK analysis.

val create_var : Cil.varinfo -> Cil.varinfo

Command for assigning an id to a varinfo. All varinfos directly created by Goblint should be modified by this method

val type_inv_tbl : (int, Cil.varinfo) Hashtbl.t
val type_inv : Cil.compinfo -> Cil.varinfo
val is_blessed : Cil.typ -> Cil.varinfo option
val global_initialization : bool ref

A hack to see if we are currently doing global inits

val earlyglobs : bool ref

Another hack to see if earlyglobs is enabled

val postsolving : bool ref

Whether currently in postsolver evaluations (e.g. verify, warn)

val verified : bool option ref
val escape : string -> string
val create_dir : string -> string

Creates a directory and returns the absolute path *

val rm_rf : string -> unit

Remove directory and its content, as "rm -rf" would do.

type name =
  1. | Cons
  2. | Dest
  3. | Name of string
  4. | Unknown of string
  5. | Template of name
  6. | Nested of name * name
  7. | PtrTo of name
  8. | TypeFun of string * name
val name_to_string_hlp : name -> string
val name_to_string : name -> string
val special : Str.regexp
val dem_prefix : Str.regexp
val num_prefix : Str.regexp
val ti_prefix : Str.regexp
val tv_prefix : Str.regexp
val ts_prefix : Str.regexp
val tt_prefix : Str.regexp
val nested : Str.regexp
val nested_std_t : Str.regexp
val nested_std_a : Str.regexp
val nested_std_s : Str.regexp
val strlift : Str.regexp
val templ : Str.regexp
val const : Str.regexp
val ptr_to : Str.regexp
val constructor : Str.regexp
val destructor : Str.regexp
val varlift : Str.regexp
val take : int -> string -> string
val drop : int -> string -> string
val appp : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a * 'c) -> 'b * 'c
val op_name : string -> string
val num_p : string -> name list * string
val conv : string -> name * string
val to_name : string -> name
val get_class : string -> string option
val get_class_and_name : string -> (string * string) option
val demangle : string -> string
exception Timeout
val timeout : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> float -> (unit -> unit) -> 'b
val seconds_of_duration_string : string -> int
val vars : int ref
val evals : int ref
val print_gc_quick_stat : out_channel -> Gc.stat
val scrambled : bool
val arinc_name : string
val arinc_entry_point : string
val arinc_base_priority : string
val arinc_period : string
val arinc_time_capacity : string
val exe_dir : string
val command : string
val opt_predicate : ('a -> bool) -> 'a option -> bool
val signal_of_string : string -> int
val self_signal : int -> unit
val zip : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
val for_all_in_range : (IntOps.BigIntOpsBase.t * IntOps.BigIntOpsBase.t) -> (IntOps.BigIntOpsBase.t -> bool) -> bool
val assoc_eq : 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'b option
val dummy_obj : Obj.t

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