package github-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type state = [
  1. | `All
  2. | `Closed
  3. | `Open
type milestone_sort = [
  1. | `Completeness
  2. | `Due_date
type issue_sort = [
  1. | `Comments
  2. | `Created
  3. | `Updated
type issue_comment_sort = [
  1. | `Created
  2. | `Updated
type repo_sort = [
  1. | `Forks
  2. | `Stars
  3. | `Updated
type forks_sort = [
  1. | `Newest
  2. | `Oldest
  3. | `Stargazers
type direction = [
  1. | `Asc
  2. | `Desc
type milestone = [
  1. | `Any
  2. | `None
  3. | `Num of int
type user = [
  1. | `Any
  2. | `Login of string
  3. | `None
type !'a range = [
  1. | `Eq of 'a
  2. | `Gt of 'a
  3. | `Gte of 'a
  4. | `Lt of 'a
  5. | `Lte of 'a
  6. | `Range of 'a option * 'a option
type repo_field = [
  1. | `Description
  2. | `Name
  3. | `Readme
type date = string
type qualifier = [
  1. | `Created of date range
  2. | `Fork of [ `Only | `True ]
  3. | `Forks of int range
  4. | `In of repo_field list
  5. | `Language of string
  6. | `Pushed of date range
  7. | `Size of int range
  8. | `Stars of int range
  9. | `User of string

Innovation. Community. Security.