package git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Scheduler : Sigs.SCHED with type +'a s = 'a Lwt.t
module Pack : APPEND with type +'a fiber = 'a Lwt.t
module Index : APPEND with type +'a fiber = 'a Lwt.t
module HTTP : HTTP
module Uid : UID
module Ref : Sigs.REF


val fetch : ?push_stdout:(string -> unit) -> ?push_stderr:(string -> unit) -> ctx:Mimic.ctx -> ((Uid.t, _, Uid.t * int Stdlib.ref * int64, 'g, Scheduler.t) Sigs.access * Uid.t Carton_lwt.Thin.light_load * Uid.t Carton_lwt.Thin.heavy_load) -> (Uid.t, Uid.t * int Stdlib.ref * int64, 'g) -> Endpoint.t -> ?version:[> `V1 ] -> ?capabilities:Smart.Capability.t list -> ?deepen:[ `Depth of int | `Timestamp of int64 ] -> [ `All | `Some of Ref.t list | `None ] -> Pack.t -> Index.t -> src:Pack.uid -> dst:Pack.uid -> idx:Index.uid -> ([ `Pack of Uid.t * (Ref.t * Uid.t) list | `Empty ], [> `Exn of exn | Mimic.error ] as 'err) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val push : ctx:Mimic.ctx -> ((Uid.t, Ref.t, Uid.t Pck.t, 'g, Scheduler.t) Sigs.access * Uid.t Carton_lwt.Thin.light_load * Uid.t Carton_lwt.Thin.heavy_load) -> (Uid.t, Uid.t Pck.t, 'g) -> Endpoint.t -> ?version:[> `V1 ] -> ?capabilities:Smart.Capability.t list -> [ `Create of Ref.t | `Delete of Ref.t | `Update of Ref.t * Ref.t ] list -> (unit, [> `Exn of exn | Mimic.error ] as 'err) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

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