package git-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type _ hash =
  1. | SHA1 : Digestif.SHA1.t hash
module Entry : sig ... end
type 'oid t
val exists : 'oid t -> Fpath.t -> bool
val find : 'oid t -> Fpath.t -> 'oid Entry.t option
val replace : 'oid t -> 'oid Entry.t -> unit
val add : hash:'oid hash -> Fpath.t -> 'oid t -> (unit, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Stdlib.result
val rem : Fpath.t -> 'oid t -> unit
val make : ?version:int -> 'oid hash -> 'oid t
val load : hash:'oid hash -> Fpath.t -> ('oid t, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Stdlib.result
val store : hash:'oid hash -> append:('fd -> Bigstringaf.t -> 'fd) -> 'fd -> 'oid t -> 'fd
val store_to_path : hash:'oid hash -> Fpath.t -> 'oid t -> (unit, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Stdlib.result
type 'oid elt = [
  1. | `Tree of Fpath.t
  2. | `Blob of 'oid Entry.t
val fold : f: ([ 'oid elt | `Root ] -> 'oid elt list -> 'a -> ('a, [> Rresult.R.msg ] as 'err) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'oid t -> ('a, 'err) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

Innovation. Community. Security.